
Basically I love to teach and specially the children with learning difficulties . I am registered Behaviour Technician by profession . I am also very passionate about dance, music and media , and great passion to learn new things.

John L.R. Noronha

I work for Art, Culture & Literature with schools &
universities from past 20 years in UAE & India. I am author of
18 Coffee Table Book. I have written five documentaries.
I am regularly invited by various literary groups for talks
& Poetry reciting.
I am passionate to work with children of learning
difficulties to improve their social skills, behavior & self esteem.


A psychologist by profession.I employ my expertise to analyse and comprehend mental processes. I am passionate about working at Eduscan , as it helps me study minds of children and facililate behaviour changes in them.


I joined Eduscan as I know that the most important thing in the teaching profession is about inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their potentials. Therefore “Caring and Trustworthy” are the two Eduscan traits that resonate the most with me.

Lucia Sabatinu

I am an Educator. I was born in Toronto, Canada. I have lived in the UAE for many years.
Throughout my career and my personal learning journey; I have displayed commitment, dedication and determination in ensuring that all children receive the very best always!
I am also the Founder of Creative Space World, a community based project that supports the creative abilities of all children. I too have tapped into my own creative talents along the way as well.

Powerful and Effective Parenting – DISC Analysis

Effective and Powerful Parenting needs to be cultivated, practiced and eventually mastered- it can be considered an Art. As parents, you seek, want and crave a perfect relationship with your child. Is that at all possible?  It can become a reality only if you truly understand who your child is.

One needs to accept that standardized parenting strategies are long gone. Those strategies had a tendency to put everyone into the same mould and presto your results would be simply evident, that it really did not matter which type of child you were parenting, as all the norms and strategies were standardized and thus the results would be as well.

Today, in our brilliant times, we have recognized that ‘each child is unique’.  This is where Disc Analysis comes in handy, as it is a powerful and a profoundly simple tool in understanding who your child is through their behaviour.

D= Dominant, I=Influential, S=Steady, C=Compliant

In order to further understand Disc Analysis, one can refer to the following four types of birds including, the Dove, Eagle, Peacock, Owl as this will assist you in better relating to their unique characteristics which in turn will help you in understanding your own child better too.

The Dominant type is seen as an ‘Eagle’– They display the following traits, such as being (direct, bullish, stubborn).

The Influential type is seen as a ‘Peacock’– They display the following traits, such as being (the center of attention, very talkative, fun loving, dancing, singing while surrounded by glamour).

The Steady type is seen as a ‘Dove’– They display the following traits, such as being (very friendly, loving as this child actually prefers living for others as they are giving of themselves rather than thinking about themselves first). You must know that this type of child is one that is the easiest to parent.

The Compliant type is seen as an ‘Owl’– They display the following traits, such as being (methodical, organized, structured as they keep their personal belongings in order).

Now, this is the moment to know who your child is and how they should be treated while keeping all of the above in mind. How does one interact with these personality types? For example: If you are too rigid with a child that displays traits of an ‘Eagle’ you will certainly have a very difficult time, they do not respond well towards rigidity. Towards the child that displays traits as a ‘Dove’, they will respond favorable to your display of emotional sensitivity. For those that display traits as an ‘Owl’ you will need to approach them with logic while interacting and communicating with them.

Hoping this will lead you towards more Powerful and Effective Parenting!

 Leaders are not born but made- Dr. Alka Kalra

Mind Mapping

Have you noticed that your child is requiring additional support while either at home or while at school when it comes to the use of their short term or immediate memory abilities?

These memory challenges can especially be detected when your child is unable to retain simple oral instructions and obviously when they are given more complex instructions as well such as:

‘Please take this glass, bring it to the kitchen and bring me a cold bottle of water.’

Your child may either follow the second part or even the first part of the instruction, but will be unable to follow it completely.

It is recommended, that you introduce your child to Mind Mapping; this is a diagram that your child can create which is used to visually organize information whether at home or at school as this is especially useful when organizing themselves with their studies as well.

It can also be used in conjunction to maintaining their diaries as to ensure that each task can be ticked off once they have completed it. The classroom teacher, can also further support the child while introducing a peer group support. The peer helper would also be able to further check and support the child along the way. It is important that the child sits in a comfortable area within the classroom where distractions are kept at bay so that they can continue to fully focus and concentrate on the lesson introduced to them in class.

Try introducing your child to these helpful methods and you will begin to notice that they will be better equipped and will gradually overcome these challenges.

Leaders are not born but made- Dr. Alka Kalra

Impact of positive words on your child !

Through history, words have been compared to gold, as they are considered to have such great
value and can be cherished when they are used orally or in the written form. Also, words have been
compared to measurement as one needs to use them with care and preciseness.
Have you ever stopped to think about the impact that your positive words can have on your child’s
psyche? Your words can truly make a difference as to who and what your child will become in the
near future.
Here is a story about Thomas Alva Edison, the American inventor and businessman:
As a young child, he was known to have dyslexia. During that particular era back in the 1800’s, there was not much awareness about learning difficulties. One fine day, Thomas Alva Edison, brought a letter home to his mother that was written by his classroom teacher. The teacher gave Thomas Alva Edison clear instructions that the letter needed to be given only to his mother. As Thomas Alva Edison stood by his mother full of curiosity as she read the letter, he wanted to know what it contained. He asked his mother what the teacher wrote about. His mother, ever so proud, said ‘Your teacher has noticed, that you are a genius although she is unable nor is she equipped to continue teaching you at school’. Therefore, from that day on Thomas Alva Edison continued his studies at home as he was home schooled.
Thanks to Thomas Alva Edison, he went on to invent the light bulb and with this invention brightened up our homes and hearts as we understand that one must always follow one’s dream. Thomas Alva Edison, did eventually find that letter after many, many years and this time he read it. The teacher did not describe Thomas Alva Edison as a genius, instead she described him as having ‘mental challenges’ and he was not to attend school any longer. He was grateful and thankful that his own mother believed in his potential and realized that he would one day be that genius.
Believe in your children while using positive words as this will certainly make a difference as you embrace the power of positivity each day!

How to handle challenges during exam time

Exam time can certainly be very challenging for parents and children. Although, supporting your child’s emotional well-being during this time is extremely important, as you continue to maintain a pleasant, fun and effective home environment.

As the pressure starts to build within the home environment, you notice that your child will need to maintain a longer study time table. Try introducing tiny breaks, whereby your child can go out and take a short walk. This will keep them mentally and physically stronger and fit. During their walk outdoors, they can be encouraged to focus on the beautiful nature that surrounds them such as: birds flying, listening to the lovely chirping sounds.

Their study time table should also include something that they just love doing as a one of their hobbies. For example: playing a musical instrument, or listening to music.

By interspersing their study time table with these pleasurable experiences will naturally alleviate the stress build up.  Remember, that it is very unnatural to expect that your child continuously sits for prolonged periods of time at a table.

Consider encouraging ‘Acts of Kindness’ within the home environment and outside of the home environment too. For example: Using courteous language towards the neighbors, offering to make a cup of tea for mommy. This will also enable your child to boost their self-esteem as they notice that they are becoming more generous and kinder towards others as well.

Your child will certainly feel refreshed as they are confident to return back to their study time table after experiencing these meaningful moments together. No doubt that exam time will become a joy rather than a chore the next time around!

Communication with child

Communication is an art and it is certainly key when speaking with your child and vice versa. It has been observed, that at times our children may seem to take their parents for granted. Parents develop a sense of resentment and will then not tolerate the manner in which their child will speak to them under any circumstance.  Have you ever stopped to think why this happens and how best to remedy the situation?

How do you react towards your child, when they use inappropriate words?   Initially, you may feel shocked and think ‘Wait, this is not appropriate?’ Correct, it is not appropriate, although you cannot simply let it slide, because it will reoccur under different circumstances, if you do not address it appropriately. By simply stating, ‘I will never talk to you’ may be something that you feel like blurting out at that very moment, although that is not the answer, is it? You will speak to your child again, that is a reality.

You must let your child know that they must refrain and use the appropriate choice of words. Role modelling this within the home environment or also when you are out during social gatherings seems to be the best manner in which your child will naturally receive the social graces of communication. You must also be extremely cautious towards your child when they enter the adolescent stage as teenagers. They are very curious about knowing more about the world around them, while testing their boundaries and seeing just how far they can stretch their limits. They are certainly up for the challenge!

Try to keep the following in mind, as you continue to cultivate a healthy mode of communication with your child:

  • When your child says something to you which you do not appreciate, be sure to let them know, by stating ‘I do not like the way you have spoken to me, it has hurt my feelings.’
  • You must address the fact that you do not at all like nor appreciate the way in which they have behaved. You may also state ‘I do not feel good when you speak to me this way.’ It is important that you also walk away and detach from that particular scenario. This will enable both the parent and child to reflect about what has happened and more importantly, think about how to handle themselves the next time.
  • It is very important to realize that the parent is the role model and your words and actions must always reflect what you are expecting from your child, even your growing teenager.
  • The tone that you use during communication is very important. Remember, that if you are wanting your child to use the appropriate tone when speaking to you, you must also do the same. Never raise your voice and tone when certain moments become heated. Instead, lower your tone while maintaining eye contact and use very direct simple, clear sentences as you communicate with your child. By doing so, you will continue to have your child’s attention otherwise by using a loud voice will only frighten and turn your child away and they are not interested in listening to what you are trying to communicate.

Communication is certainly an art; and you can continue to master it day by day along with your family by including some of these useful tips.     

No two children are identical

Parents will eventually begin to realize that ‘no two children are identical’. Even though, they may be born into a family with similar genes and grow up with similar values, each child has their own abilities and challenges.

Schools continue to provide the very best as they want to ensure that children continue to excel and succeed.

At Eduscan, we have created a series of tools in order to further support parents and schools in this process, so to ensure that each child can continue to perform to the best of their abilities while reaching their fullest potential on a daily basis.

Certain challenges that children may face, can certainly become transformed into strengths. How can one achieve this? Here is a brief description of this carefully designed process:

 Firstly, one must better understand the child, this can be done through psycho-educational assessments, which support us in understanding the child’s challenges. At times, these challenges can be categorized as either mild, moderate, severe or even profound.

Secondly, there are a variety of tests available that clearly define these challenges right away. Once the challenge has been identified, we then begin to create a plan which will allow us to intervene in the best possible way.

Keep in mind, that the same intervention plan may not work even on two different children, therefore, we need to adapt to their particular needs.

Finally, we continue to monitor the outcomes of these intervention plans in order to ensure that the intervention plan is working or whether it needs to be slightly tweaked to a certain degree or changed so that the child can continue to thrive and transform their abilities and achievements further.

This formula seems to be simpler than one thinks, as it is clearly ‘not rocket science’ but one needs to remember that in today’s incredible scientific era, we certainly have many tools and techniques within our reach.

If you feel, that there is a current need to make a difference and change in your child’s life or school community, be in touch to further explore the various support tools that can be made available to you so that we can all continue to work together in ensuring that our children will receive what they so rightly deserve, that is the best always!

Brain Mapping

Brain Mapping is a tool that has been designed so that parents can find out more about their child’s personality type, thinking style, learning style also including their knowledge about the following quotients including their IQ, EQ, CQ, PQ. It is also referred to as a dermatoglyphic test. It will reveal more about their multiple intelligences whether they are left brain dominant, right brain dominant or whether they have the potency in every lobe of their brain.

The Brain Mapping tool will also reveal the areas in which the child has the most probability to excel in within their life. It can potentially predict the career path that your child may follow while considering the various areas to focus and concentrate their abilities on for later in life.

Upon receiving a 40-page report, the information that will be shared will highlight where your child is and where they currently stand. It will further give concrete suggestions of how one can continue to improve the various areas of multiple intelligences including intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Highlighting further cognitive skills, linguistic skills, musical skills wherever and whatever interest and potential that lies ahead within your child today and more importantly how best to fine tune it so that it can certainly become better.

Brain mapping is highly recommended as it is for every child even the very young ones so that parents can continue to understand them more while their parenting skills will become more effective as well.

Do keep in mind, that Brain Mapping can also be used on adults. Some adults may go through life not really knowing who they are while not understanding their full potentials completely. Brain Mapping will reveal this to you so that you can get to know yourself more as you will certainly live a more serene, happy and healthy life as it continues to support your mental health. While adapting to this lifestyle, Brain Mapping can eventually put you on the map too!

The 5 to 1 rule which parents can embrace to build child’s self esteem.

Parents be prepared to embrace the 5 to 1 rule. This is quite powerful, as you will begin to feel more equipped and empowered during your special parental journey.

As you raise your child, you will be observing and monitoring them closely. There will be certain moments during the day, when you notice something positive that your child has either done or said, you will then talk about it for approximately 5 times.

Although, when something negative creeps up, acknowledge it and only talk about it once. Do not harp on it over and over again, as this will only cause further friction and negativity. It is best to acknowledge it and speak about it once while describing it and also looking for something positive that it may have generated from it instead.

 Descriptive praise involves speaking about a positive act, ‘goodness’ five times.

One must avoid speaking about a negative act repeatedly as this will only become a more serious problem later on.

As you begin to follow this rule, you will really enjoy a more powerful relationship with your child as you continue to strengthen and build their esteem too. Knowingly or unknowingly, many parents crush the esteem of their very own child when attempting to build it. They actually believe that they are the only ones that can mentor their child. This in fact, causes the parent to pick up on all the negative aspects that may arise from within their child and it will only foster more negativity into their life.

Therefore, it is imperative that parents embrace the 5 to 1 rule so that you can continue to contribute in building your child’s self-esteem while empowering your relationship and family bond along the way.

Leaders are not born but made – Dr. Alka Kalra

Have you noticed that your child is hiding something from you?

Have you detected a sudden change in your child’s behaviour whereby they are holding things back from you as they begin lying and cheating? If your child begins to behave in this manner and prefers to keep things from you while fabricating a lie, it simply means that your child is lacking the confidence and fears that by sharing the truth with you, your reaction will be judgmental.

Instead, aim in cultivating a safe, non-judgmental home environment whereby your child will always feel the freedom, confidence and respect to approach you, while sharing things that may be difficult to speak about even if mistakes were made along the way.

 The truth at times may be difficult to handle, although this will lead your child to confidence and will ultimately have a more positive impact on your day-to-day relationship as a family.

Redirecting your child into a positive action

From time to time, parents may see that their child behaves inappropriately. You must feel equipped to intervene as you assist your child into eventually understanding and learning how to display appropriate behaviour. This may be achieved through redirecting them into positivity so that they are safe while understanding what is appropriate and inappropriate.

Scenario: Child climbing onto a chair-

You notice that your child has climbed onto a chair. You must intervene at that very moment by saying ‘I know you enjoy climbing, but we do not climb on chairs, we sit on them. Let’s go to the park and find some interesting play structures to climb onto instead.’


 The parent has observed that their child enjoys climbing. The parent did take time to explain to their child that climbing can be enjoyed elsewhere in an appropriate environment and safe manner. Chairs though have a purpose whereby they are not climbed but one may sit on them when required. The child’s interest for climbing has not been eliminated but encouraged further as long as it is done safely and appropriately. The child will then gradually begin to understand what is appropriate and inappropriate. Always remember to redirect your child into a positive action so that you can continue to implement redirection while learning and cherishing the positive outcomes together.

Precious Tip for Parents-Troubling in class behavior that your child is displaying may have you worried:

Is your child biting, kicking or disturbing the other children within the classroom? If this has been observed by the classroom teacher and it has been brought to your attention; think about working closely with your child’s teacher and ask for some guidance and practical strategies that can also be implemented both at home and at school in a consistent manner.

While a child is in their process of development, they also experience certain emotions. Sometimes, they may feel anxious, frustrated which then leads them to displaying unwanted behaviour. They are unable to manage certain feelings and emotions simply because they may not know how due to lack of verbal abilities, lack of sleep, or even when they may feel hungry.

It is extremely important that you begin to embrace the ‘art of observation’. Start by observing your child more closely while noticing how your child may be interacting with others. Guide your child in learning how to express and manage certain emotions especially when they display their frustration.

Scenario: Playtime: Your child is playing with another child. The other child may have a particular toy that your child is wanting at that very moment. Your child begins to kick and push that other child. You must intervene and stop the unacceptable behavior. Clap your hands in order to get your child’s initial attention. Then proceed to make eye contact with your child so you know that they are listening to you as you begin to explain and correct their inappropriateness. Only once your child is ready to rejoin the other child in a proper manner that is when your child will gradually begin to understand what is either acceptable or unacceptable.

How to make your child become Responsive NOT Reactive-Part 1

Have you ever thought about what the difference is between a responsible child as opposed to a reactive child? 

Here is a brief introduction:

 Firstly, a reactive child will constantly display a reaction to something.  For example: There is a response followed by an immediate reaction.

Secondly, if there were to be a stimulus and the child is then given their choice followed by a response, this would then be considered a responsive behaviour.   For example: If something negative may have occurred and then one immediately explodes due to this, you are clearly unhappy and reactive.

Thirdly, when there is a stimulus and you then choose not to become reactive, this would be considered a responsive tendency.

Important Parental Tip 5 : How to teach your child to become more thankful for everything that they have as they learn about Gratitude

Consider creating a gratitude bowl and placing it on your dining table just before you sit down to enjoy your family dinner together. This gratitude bowl, will contain special ingredients, known as gratitude stones. Each family member, will be invited to select one of these stones.  As you select these stones together, think about that one person that you came into contact with that day and that you would like to simply thank.

This practice will not only enable your child to become more expressive within their day-to-day relationships, although it will also further strengthen their abilities as they engage in developing their interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.

These seeds of gratitude need to be sown one day at a time as this will lead to cultivating a lovely, healthy child along the way too.

Important Parental Tip 4 – How to make your child emotionally strong.

In order for your child to become emotionally strong, you must firstly create a caring, nurturing and safe home environment. This will give them a sense of security and responsibility whereby they feel free and know how to deal with their frustrations, anxieties and doubts when they arise.

Once your child has experienced an expressive ‘melt down’ and it has subsided, approach them respectfully and gently ask them ‘What do you think would have made the situation better?’

By approaching your child and asking them this question will give them the opportunity to reflect from within and enable them to perhaps become more aware in knowing how best to deal with an unpleasant situation perhaps the next time it may arise.

Never force your child to hide their inner emotions as it will only lead them onto an unhealthy path of insecurity and self-doubt. Provide them the proper tools so that they can become more resilient and confident especially when it comes to knowing how to handle their own emotions with strength and responsibility.

Important Parental Tip 3: Use descriptive phrases

By using descriptive and specific praise will enable you to become more appreciative towards your child, this can make a big difference in your child’s daily interaction as they begin to display more wanted behaviour.  Typically, parents have a tendency to focus on their child’s shortcomings that may or may not be. Instead, it is highly recommended to focus on their positivity so that it will enable the child to become naturally more aware of what is acceptable and unacceptable whether at home or at school.

Scenario #1: The parent had promised their child a biscuit. The parent then became engaged in a long phone call. The child waited patiently for their parent to finish their phone call without interrupting them for the biscuit. Meanwhile, the child became engaged in another activity independently. The parent eventually finished their phone call. The parent needs to realize that they had made a promise to their child.

Outcome: The parent did take the time to notice and observe that their child did not interrupt them during their phone call. The child did manage to wait for the parent to finish their call while choosing to work on another activity independently.  The parent must convey all of this to their child and let their child know that they noticed and truly admire just how beautifully they behaved knowing very well how difficult it may have been to have waited for that biscuit.

Important Parental Tip 1 -How to make your child more responsible

By introducing simple tasks within the home environment will enable your child to become gradually more responsible.

Scenario # 1: After dinner, your child may have the tendency to quickly leave the dinner table while rushing off to play. Instead, encourage that your child helps you clear the table.

Scenario #2: Your child has enjoyed their playtime, although have left all their toys strewn all over the place. Instead, encourage that your child tidies up before rushing off and forgetting about their toys.

Scenario #3: Your child has a birthday invitation and is getting ready for the occasion rather than selecting their clothes and telling them exactly what to wear give your child a few choices whereby they can finally make their own choice as they prepare and dress themselves on their own.

OUTCOME: As you gradually introduce your child to these new tasks, they will become more responsible. Also, as they continue to make their choices it will also continue to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. In conclusion, avoid taking your child’s independence away by doing everything for them; let them soar to new heights where they can begin to embrace responsibilities by themselves while thinking for themselves too!

Important Parental Tip 2 :Avoid criticizing and arguing with your spouse in front of your child.

Avoid criticizing and arguing with your spouse in front of your child. This is extremely harmful whilst creating a very toxic home environment. Your child will no longer feel emotionally secure. Remember, a child will always look to both mother and father for that emotional security from within a safe home environment.

Once this emotional security is lost, the child displays a sense of weakness from within, feeling anxious, lost and frightened.

Therefore, when a heated discussion may arise and differences of opinions may exist; agree to discuss it later without the child’s presence. By doing so, this will enable you to pause while giving you that extra time to reflect about your very own thoughts and feelings. This practice will help you to feel slightly better when needing to revisit topics that may be difficult and challenging to face during certain times.

Going forward, take time to reflect while breathing as this will put your thoughts, body and mind into a more relaxed and comfortable state of being; this will no doubt be more important than who was right or wrong in the long run.

Why we should not compare our children with others.

Do not compare your children with others. It is a very common practice amongst parents to compare their child with another sibling or other children; including their cousins and neighbors.

By thinking that giving this example to your child will make them become more motivated in either mirroring positive behaviour or perhaps matching similar traits, or even surpassing certain skill sets with these individuals will work, it does not. It will usually back fire.

Generally, children do not respond well to this. They will become resentful and negative towards the idea and also towards those people and sometimes even towards their own parents.

Consider letting your child explore their own inner qualities and strengths as you continue to guide them in finding their own uniqueness every day. They will become more serene and begin to believe in themselves and their own abilities instead.

Evolving role of educators for students of determination in the pandemic

The pandemic has brought in lot of challenges including the evolving role of educators. Each form of education – physical, online or hybrid has its own advantages and disadvantages and has had impacts on educators and children alike.

The field of Special Education was not in mainstream of schools before and has evolved drastically in the past 15-20 years. It started with inclusive education, then moved to early identification, frameworks and finally to teacher training. The impact of inclusion is currently in mainstream education and spread across UAE as the visionaries of the country put inclusion at the forefront. The impact of this can be seen at both of the school and community level.

Perseverance, patience and passion are the qualities needed in the field of inclusion. One must be flexible to new learning. An optimistic and growth mindset is needed to accept new changes. The focus for an educator should be on what is in there instead of what is not there in the children with determination.

Team Collaboration between Therapist and Psychologist is also an integral part of inclusive education. These can be extended to teacher training, parents and students. Some of these may require a lot of financial support which can get challenging both for parents and students. The goal should be to provide the facilities in school or secure environment so that teachers and parents also get equipped.

Online education in inclusion has set many hurdles in the beginning but most students have shown progress with each session. Listening skills of most students have improved but challenges related to developing motor skill remain. People have shared more resources in social media groups and there has been a lot more awareness.

There have been case studies about Students of Determination participating in Robotics and Gaming competitions. The result of these studies conclude that students are more technology savvy than before and have more concentration. Teachers too are putting in a lot of effort and the education system is evolved and made more enjoyable. Necessity is the mother of invention and so Behaviour Therapy is happening online. Boundaries have been diluted and we are helping people to be emotionally strong.


Memory & Concentration

A very unique gift for the human beings is the brain. The scientists all over the world are still amazed with and the functions that it can perform. Apart from numerous voluntary and involuntary functions of the human body that is controlled and conducted with the brain; one of the most important functions are ‘memory’ and ‘concentration’. We have been successful to invent computers however we have not been to understand how this small part of our body is able to store so much of information, and by the way scientists have mentioned through many researches that all together a human use only 10 % of the total capacity of the brain during their lifetime. So let us understand what is memory then which will enable us to improve the utilization of this most mysterious and amazing part of our body.

In a layman’s understanding memory is something which we are able to recall from our mind. But technically the word memory means a process of 3Rs (Reception, Retention, Recall). Reception means to take information in, Retention means to hold the information in and Recall means to bring back the retained information out. Among the 2 steps of this process if any other step has a challenge, then memory cannot function. If reception has problem, then retention and recall cannot be done. If reception is good and retention does not happen then also information cannot be recalled. if we are organized and structured with the information in our mind then our memory works better but if the details are not organized then we face challenges.

Concentration is when we are putting our mind to the task that we are doing. Many a times we are doing a task and our brain is somewhere else. Students are sitting physically in class but their mind is elsewhere and their concentration is not there. So totally being on the task that you are performing is called concentration. A lot of people confuse concentration with attention. Attention span is actually nothing but the stretch of time for which concentration is there. We are very observant but if we do not pay attention then we say many times we forgot, we don’t remember, or we don’t know. That means that we were not mindfully present there.

Mindfulness is a very good activity for improving concentration. And nowadays, mindful meditation is taught to even young children. So young children can be very  attentive, and they can be focused on present. Sometimes we say, just sit still close your eyes.

Look at you’re breathing. Listen, focus on the sounds around. These are some activities which will help children to concentrate. And I think in a day multiple times, and adults can focus on doing these kind of things which can help children.

Cognitive training which in brain-based training, which will help to improve concentration.

Three R. So, all the three R is we have to improve our reception. We have to improve our retention, and we have to improve our Recall.

In Visualization we are training the person to see a mental image. You are able to visualize it. So, whatever you’re reading, or whatever you’re studying or whatever, you’re trying to memorize, you actually make a mental picture of it. The minute this picture is created, however colorful. However, interesting. However, Moving and absurdities, it will be nice because all strange things we remember. So, we teach them how to make multiple pictures at your mind’s eye, and then you are able to recall them better. Now, linking is like chaining is putting it together. So, like a chain one concept to another concept to another concept. So the minute you are able to recall the first one, the Whole chain is recalled because it is connected. So beautiful level, clusterization.

Clustering is grouping, putting them under groups. When we talk about clustering, if suppose there is a list of items a person has to recall, we call it the Kim’s game as well. We play it in the camps and children, love it. So, say, for example, there’s some stationery items. There are some animals, there’s some fruits and some vegetables, and there’s some utility items and everything Put together. You have about 25 items, and you ask your children to remember them, and then you expect them to recall. So, it’s been noticed that if you ask them to recall, they’re not able to recall more than 7 to 10. Research show if we bring together under one or other category, then it is easy to recall as compared to various situation.

Leadership Development In Children

Every human being has a right to build their capacities that lead to a happier life. And this attitude of exploring and progressing needs to be inculcated in a human being during the early years of development. As a parent, educator and care giver it is important to develop leadership qualities in young children. Let us get enlightened on why is it important and how can we develop leadership in children.

First of all, let us understand what is leadership development?
It seems a simple word but it is very significant to understand the meaning of it in today’s context, especially for parents and educators. Leadership has gone through variety of finishes over the years. Leadership is a phenomenon of your control on your emotions and yourself that eventually drives your life to the destination of your choice. Do we really have control on our own self? Let us ask ourselves the question if we are performing to the best of our abilities? A lot of children are not even aware of their strengths / weaknesses and do not know themselves. The process of putting those strengths into action and working to eradicate the weaknesses is what is called taking leadership. Certainly leadership can be cultivated easily in young children but that is possible if the adults in their lives during that phase are mindful about it.

Why is it important to develop leadership especially at a tender age?
Let us consider that someone goes through a very tragic experience of losing a loved one. No person can suffer one day, one month, one year or the rest of the life for that loss no matter what the relation may be. For example, you love your husband very much and suddenly you lost him in a very tragic accident. How much you suffer does not depend on how much you loved him? How much you suffer does not depend on how much he wants you to suffer? As a matter of fact, it depends on you and only you. You cannot control the whole world but you can control your own perception towards things. And that is why leadership is important which will enable you to manage your emotions well.
If you are walking through a very thorny path in the jungle, you cannot change the surface of the whole jungle but you can put on slippers to protect your feet. Leadership is finding our own slippers to live a happier, fuller and safer life.

When should we develop leadership in children?
Majorly we understand that 0 to 6 years of age is when the maximum development of the child happens. So most of the parents think when is the right time we should instill leadership in the child? I believe that it is not when from 0 to 6 years…… but you will be surprised to know that leadership should be instilled from the moment when a child is conceived in the womb of the mother. It begins with the emotional state of the mother. Actually it is very crucial that the parents should be emotionally, mentally, physically and financially prepared only then should they go ahead with planning for a child because the journey begins at the moment the baby is conceived. There are numerous researches that have proven that if the mother is emotionally secured then the baby is also emotionally stable. Emotions play a very important role in making us who we are. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the most significant part of the overall well-being of a person. Certainly formal education also has a major role to play in developing leadership but the seeds are sown from the time of conception.

How should we develop leadership?
Prior to the process of developing leadership quality, there is a need to do an assessment to better understand where your child is? What kind of state of mind does it possess? What are their strengths, weaknesses, etc.? Many parents are not aware of this but a pre-assessment and post-assessment is very important when we do early intervention with the children. It becomes difficult to gauge what kind of impact the intervention is creating if there is no pre-assessment. And it becomes difficult to make any changes to the intervention if we do not have any post-assessments done.
Another important concept of leadership is to teach children regarding the two circles namely ‘AUC (All Under Control)’ and ‘ABC (All Beyond Control). If you focus on ABC circle, then you will end up being miserable. But if you focus on the AUC circle then things will automatically fall in place.

You can also develop leadership in children with lots of different activities some of which are mentioned below: –
– Developing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of communication
– Self-expression (putting thoughts into words)
– Memory (short term and long term memory -The 3 R’s Receiving – Retaining – Recalling) (types of memory are visual, auditory and kinesthetic)
– Focus and concentration
– Creative thinking activities
– Fine motor skills development (Hand – Eye Coordination)
– Gross motor skills development (Body – Mind Coordination)
– Emotional and Mental Well-being activities (Emotional Intelligence)
– Social skills development

Nurture Your Happiness

There has been a recent surge amongst researchers, educators, scientists and doctors in sharing their knowledge about finding the quest to Happiness. If you step into a bookstore, you will see bookshelves filled with a variety of books written by various authors sharing their ‘Secrets to Happiness’. Some of us may have already found this ‘special ingredient to life’ – but for others, it may take an entire lifetime to even begin to understand what the true essence of Happiness really is.

Happy is defined as the following in The Collins English Dictionary:
“Feeling, showing joy.” Therefore, Happy + ness = Happiness. By simply adding this suffix to the adjective Happy, it transforms it into a certain “state, condition or quality.”

Is it that simple? That is the mystery question for many of us and perhaps it may not be as simple as that.

We may need to REFLECT on our own personal experiences starting right from childhood, adolescence through to adulthood.

As children, we all start off by needing the very same things no matter where you were born including Love, Food, Shelter, Safety and Security just to mention a few. Therefore, it is obvious we all start off with NEEDING the same things.

As we begin to grow up, these needs begin to CHANGE as our personalities and characteristics take shape, and then we begin to EXPERIENCE different things during our adolescence. As we all know, adolescence has been referred to as a ‘rebellious stage’ mainly caused by the physiological changes that occur. Nonetheless, adolescence helps us TRANSITION into ADULTHOOD with a bit of know-how. However, do we really know how to experience happiness as adults notwithstanding that by this time in our life we do have so much knowledge and life experiences?

What happened to that child that was filled with so much curiosity about the world? How about that rebellious adolescent who wanted to change the world? Has the adult become overburdened and lost?

Happiness will certainly present itself as a CHOICE as to what matters most in one’s life and how one wishes to live each day. This is very personal to each individual. To be sure, there are specific things that one can EMBRACE in order to achieve HAPPINESS while on this lifetime journey including kindness, mindfulness and selflessness just to mention a few.

We have certainly come to realize during this most challenging time that we are all facing whether as children, adolescents or adults, that our human connectedness allows us to rely on each other in order to achieve HAPPINESS in our life.

Remain in the present so that HAPPINESS can be felt no matter what.

Allow yourself to feel HAPPINESS so that the lingering effects of gratitude can be shared and felt by others too.

Screen Time – A New Challenge For Gross Motor Skills

The Covid Pandemic has changed a lot of things in our daily lives and the way regular activities are conducted on a day to day basis. Since the mobility is drastically reduced and lot of communication and dealings are happening virtually; the screen time for any individual has increased big time and so is it for the children who attend their classes online. Ideally the screen time should be not more than 2 hours per day however now it is increased to 5 to 7 hours minimum for these children to attend their classes, leave aside the other adults and professionals.

I would like to share the aspect of what kind of challenge is this particular situation creating for the Gross motor skills? For that let us first understand what is Gross motor skills? Gross motor skill is the coordination between the mind and body, the gross muscles of the body have their movement as per the instructions of the brain. Many researches have already shared that physical activities of your body are equally important in the academic achievements and is incorporated in the school activities and curriculum. But now since virtual classes are conducted it is a challenge to continue with the same kind of engagement for gross motor skills. The working memory of an individual is directly connected to the physical activity that one does. And so also focus, concentration, other achievements are connected to the physical activities.

Hence today I will be sharing with you some activities for growing children that will help you to overcome the challenge faced with gross motor skills for your children at home. The University of Harward has done lot of research on how necessary is gross motor skill development during the early years of the child. In school there are many other activities along with gross motor skill development that will be take care of. However it is very important for the parent also to focus on this one factor at home as well. Activities that can be included in gross motor skills at home can be :-

  • jumping (on a trampoline) If you do not have trampoline, then a spring mattress also will do. You can keep it in a corner in the house. Jumping on it will really be a stress buster for your little one. Jumping can also be done with a low height stool and the child can go up and down of that small stool.
  • You can take red and green coloured tapes (non-electric) and make a design (like a grid) on the floor. You can make them walk and run in those lines. These activities are lots of fun. They are not only learning to walk and do the physical movements but also it creates an impression in their minds about the horizontal lines, vertical lines and slanting lines which si a very significant concept of common patterns.
  • A spin ball activity – tie a ball with the cord to the ceiling and the child can swing and catch the ball which also will give the gross motor movements.
  • You can ask your child to stand on one leg and tie the shoe laces of their shoes

It may sound not so impressive but it is very important to teach the child in their early years kicking, jumping, running, crawling, flipping over the body, hoping, skipping, etc. It should be mandatorily conducted on a regular basis. Parents just need to organize at least 20 to 30 minutes a day for these activities for the children. If during this period, it is not provided then the child will have issues in focus and concentration in the later years.

We might have heard about Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, dysgraphia, etc. Dyslexia is a learning language disorder. But I will talk today about Dyspraxia and Dysgraphia. Dyspraxia is regarding the children who have difficulty in using the gross muscles and the mind-body coordination with which the body movements. They are clumsy, hesitant to interact with other children and hate sports and field activities but they love to be seated as they have a challenge with their gross motor skills.

Dysgraphia is regarding the children with have a difficulty with small muscles usage to do the fine movements of the fingers like writing, colouring, pasting, cutting, etc. and similar fine motor skill challenges.

We have to ensure that we support our children and give them the opportunity to develop both the motor skills through innovative and creative methods. These activities are all interconnected and required for the overall development of the children in their early years.


So parents, be more watchful and use these tools and techniques which are available at home and will help your little child develop well. And you will see that you have a less anxious and less aggressive child at home as their frustrations are all releases out through these activities as they do not know how to manage their emotions at that age. We need to ensure 30 minutes of the day is dedicated to developing the gross motor skills of our children daily.

How to deal with Breakup?

Well, February is the month of love, Valentine’s day has just gone by a lot of celebration, a lot of gifts, but some of us are probably still sitting, sulking, having remorse feeling about the break ups, or the relationships which did not work.  Well I’m not here only to talk about the romantic relationships, but it can be any relationship for that matter and if you are one of those who are struggling and thinking how to deal with that unfinished emotional baggage which is continuously troubling you then, probably this talk is just for you.

Relationship is something very amazing you know how biryani is made with rice if it is a chicken briyani, chicken and almost the same spices, but yet different people have different taste and so is the relationship so there is no standard formula which one can say will only make a relationship a good relationship so i think today we are here to talk about what kind of challenges people face, and how do we deal with it? When one goes through a breakup it is a painful relationship it can be very toxic, unhealthy that somebody is being beaten up or emotionally been tortured in a relationship but you still get glued on to it because you don’t want to experience that pain or you think that the pain of breakup is even bigger than being in a relationship, and you keep delaying your decision.

A relationship could be of a business relationship there was a client who talked about that she really worked on one of her stuff, like trained her and emotionally got involved but after that, the person started behaving very strange and she literally felt being dumped. Not only a romantic relationship but, any relationship with things aren’t going good, what should you be doing and how should you deal with it. Well there are three steps which i think people talk about, every person is different, the thoughts are different, the styles of dealing are different, so is there a standard formula? I will say yes, there is a standard formula which works with everyone.

So first thing is it every toxic relationship or unhealthy relationship will make you feel sad and even angry at time because you feel cheated because a lot of women have actually mentioned that they feel it’s a total loss of emotional investment, which they did.

in the other person, whichever the relationship was and this relationship bring in a upset feeling so you are kind of stuck up your angry and your sad what happens when you are sad?

You  know your shoulders drop down, chest goes inside but, when you are angry, what happens, your shoulder goes back, chest comes up and if both the things are happening together. Just imagine you’re struck up, you can’t go forward, not backward, and you don’t really know what is happening to you and that is what happens in a breakup.

You’re angry about many things at the same time you’re feeling and element of loss and your very sad about certain things. Whatever the relationship is, it is very important that we define that what it is so we need to define and spell out to ourselves.

What is this feeling? How do i feel? Why do i feel that, and then face it. You can’t run away with it. So a lot of people tried doing that and it just doesn’t work but if you have any negative emotion which is attacking you then, you need to deal with it, you need to face it and deal with it and that is what is a process of systematic desensitization. So when you think about it, it really leaves you in a very painful state and then you keep saying ‘I don’t want to think about it’, ‘I just don’t want to think about it’, but you keep thinking about it and you do nothing about it. So i think facing it and then slowly, slowly dealing with it is something which will make you feel better try it don’t run away because running away does not really helps and let me tell you one thing, any relationship, if you have reached the stage of a breakup then it doesn’t only have all good things in it certainly there were stages where they were some toxicity, there were some negative things and when you focus on only good things, which you had and when you focus on only bad things your emotions change. So it is very important for you to define yourself that what is the cause of pain?

Step two, always remember that, don’t just get stuck onto a blaming process. A lot of people say that, I didn’t do this, I was very honest, I was committed, but the other partner, really didn’t come forward and didn’t help me. Please don’t get stuck to the blame game because when you start playing blame game you have an element of self love, you love yourself and you will feel it’s been really unkind, unjust, unhealthy on the other person to do this to you and in turn, you make yourself actually target the whole negativity So, i would very strongly suggest that if you’re going through a break up it is important for you to understand that what do you want and what you don’t want. Let’s just look for positivity that’s going to help us grow into our life.

Step number three is very important, there are two kinds of people rejecters and rejectees. So two people had a good relationship for a number of days, months or years, and then they decided to move on, break up. So, whether you are a rejecter or a rejectee.

Researchers have shown different impact, but researchers have confirmed that both have undergone the feeling of sadness, depression and negative emotion, so even women who are rejectors because they were into a toxic relationship, and they could not take it to a brim when everything had gone too bad, they move out and still feel bad about it. So it’s been your decision to move out of  it, and then you feel bad about it. So let’s understand, you should never get into the process of self blame, self doubt.

It doesn’t really matter whoever you are, whatever your qualities are there’s somebody in this world who will love you for who you are? So don’t think that the end of one relationship is actually the end of the world that doesn’t really mean that if you couldn’t click a relationship with the person you will never, ever be able to click any other relationship.

Let’s understand that in terms of two things forgive and forget, so they are only three possible ways that you either forgive the person, and you reconcile it and move on.

Other option is that you forgive the person, but you don’t reconcile, don’t forget about it and still you choose to move and the last option is, you don’t forgive and you don’t forget.

but still, you move on, or you change the whole perception about that person that probably I’m mean i don’t need to win this relationship because this relationship has been so toxic.

So come on friends, i know a break up can be very, painful, but who can help you out is you yourself. Eventually you’ve to wait, because it takes time to heal so are the emotional problems it does take time to heal. Time is the biggest healer. Each person is unique you need to deal with your emotions and your feelings and your things within yourself and that is how you heal your wounds.

Best Ways To Prevent Bullying In School

School is a place where we send the children to get their education that moulds a child for life time.

Bullying is a process in which we actually harm and humiliate another person and this is done consciously. Bullying is actually a very criminal offence and sometimes it can be extremely harmful. Bullying can happen not only in school, but anywhere and even at a place of work, whenever someone is putting a conscious effort to harm another person, be it verbal or physical. The impact of bullying can be short term or long term. The child being bullied can have sleep disturbances, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, poor eating, no friends, no socializing, etc. These children may actually have poor academic performances also. The latest version of bullying is the Cyber bullying where the number of cases are unimaginable and also increasing very fast.

So what can we do about this? We need to begin with ensuring a warm environment at home, positive parenting and also strong healthy relationships within the family members. This builds resilience in the children, and they feel that they have a safe platform where they can speak freely and share their feelings. Many a times the child bullied thinks that he is equally responsible and somehow tries to keep the information to himself and searches for approval. Amongst junior children in school, a serious concern of bullying is frequent bed wetting. And that’s why parents- you are the social engineers and the first responsibility lies with you.

In school mostly bullying is seen at the physical level on the playground, because in the classroom there is always a significant supervision by the teacher or assistant teacher.

  • Parents also need to be regularly checking with your child about their emotional state or if there is something troubling them.
  • These days in schools we have their wellness team and their major responsibility is to ensure zero tolerance to bullying.
  • A basic awareness among students should be spread along with some guidance on the response pattern.
  • A child should generally walk away from the scene instead of getting engaged and involved in retaliating, which may worsen the situation.
  • Schools must regularly conduct anti-bullying programs through street plays, small skits and now online awareness as well.
  • Wellness teams have counsellors who should be approachable by any child who is going through painful bullying. Every child should be first given an opportunity to deal with it at his own level and then if not solved, to be shared with any significant adult.
  • Further anonymity has to be strictly maintained to encourage such kind of offences. Teachers must discuss and talk often on this topic with the students, and how can they safeguard themselves against bullying.

Emotional health is of topmost significance during this pandemic time and therefore bullying must be addressed on priority basis at both places, home and school.


Happiness is something that each human being is expecting in their life and the more we have the more we want happiness in our lives. Today I would like to talk about the formula to obtain happiness.

What is happiness? How can we be happy? Can we get happiness from somewhere or are we born happy? What exactly is this concept of happiness? Someone asked Lord Buddha, “I want to be happy.” Buddha replied, “Remove I want to… from your sentence and you will be happy.”

A lot of us live with this phenomenon of ‘I me myself’. And that’s the ego point. Can we get out of this ‘I me myself’? Do we really look into the needs and wants? Actually there is enough for everybody’s needs but there is no fulfilment for everybody’s wants. What can we do about this accumulation? We must realise that happiness is a concept in the future. I will be happy if I have the best car. I will be happy is I have a big house of my own. I will be happy if I get good results in grade 12. “WILL BE HAPPY” something in the future. But actually it is right in ‘YOU’.

Happiness is one among the six basic emotions of human beings namely fear, happiness, sadness, anger, disgust and surprise. So happiness is a born phenomenon within a person but very often we fail to recognize it and we search for it in the future. Let me tell you that happiness is a beautiful formula but before I get to the formula; I would love to share a brilliant story which I heard from Dr. Chinu (one of my ……). This story talks about the hare and the tortoise which as kids all of us have heard and that the hare slept off and the tortoise crossed him and wins the race and conclude the morale that slow and steady wins the race. But what we have not heard is that when the rabbit was asked what had happened to him?; he said that while he was running he was way ahead and the tortoise was very slow so he got engaged in enjoying the beauty of green, huge trees and he wanted to rest under it. He loved resting there. Then he heard a Cuckoo singing and he loved it too. Then he saw the multi-coloured flowers and loved its fragnance. Then he saw a pretty butterfly around them. And he got very engrossed in all these things. Suddenly he remembered that he is a part of the race. So before the tortoise can cross him, he will reach the end and be a winner. But at that moment he found a saint under the tree. The saint started his discourse and started talking to him and asked him, “where are you going?” So the rabbit replied that he wanted to win the race so that people will remember him as the fastest animal. And that is why he is running a race. “What will you get?”, asked the saint? The rabbit replied he will get a medal and fame. “What will happen then?”, asked the saint. To which the rabbit replied that he will be happy. So then the saint asked “Are you not happy in this green grass? Are you not happy to see these beautiful flowers, its fragrance and the pretty butterflies?”.

It is the same for us as well. We are happy but we all run a mad race to somewhere, to achieve something, which is not there. You buy one car but you want to buy a bigger car or a better brand. You have one-bedroom house but you want a 4-bedroom house. And what not…….


When we talk of happiness hormones what comes to our mind is Dopamine, which is released when you achieve something. And when you have achieved it, the release gets vanished. Then you want something else and when you get it again dopamine is realised and next moment it is gone. It is an endless cycle. So friends today we are going to talk about a beautiful model called ‘PERMA’. If you understand these five things, then happiness will not be out there but it will be inside you. So lets us understand these 5 points.

  1. P – Positive emotions – It is very important for us to acknowledge our own emotions and turn them into positive emotions? Many a times we live our lives under the shelter of negative emotions. Do you have the power to change your unhealthy negative emotions into healthy negative emotions? And then eventually turn them into positive emotions. And that is what brings the difference in life. So let us start evaluating our emotions because our emotions are actually the by-product of our thinking processes. When we look for what is not there compared to looking at what is there; the emotions are different. IT IS RIGHT INSIDE YOU WITHIN YOUR REACH.
  2. E – Engagement – Keep yourselves busy. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. If you want to be happy; identify what is your passion? What is driving you through? A sculpture sits with a hammer and chisel the whole day with one stone and carves a beautiful statue out of it. How much time does it take? Probably the full day. But because there is a passion, a goal, something you are trying to achieve, the engagement keeps you happy. So it is very important for all of us to keep ourselves engaged. If you are a student, engage in whatever you think is your priority. If you are an adult, choose your priorities. Often many young women say that before their marriage they could engage in doing so many activities but now they do not have the time and do not have any priorities. YOU NEED TO CHOOSE YOUR PRIORITIES.
  3. R – Relationship – How much time do we give to our relationships? Courtesy social media these days, everybody is sitting in close contiguity of time and space but not communicating with each other. Everybody is busy with their smart unit (mobile phones) in their hands. We connect with people who are miles and miles away but we are not connecting with people who are sitting next to us. One must invest in the relationships as it is very important that you value them and express your love, care and gratitude to them. How much does your family, your friends mean to you? Invest in them, invest in your relationships. There are researches that show that PEOPLE WHO HAVE STRINGER RELATIONSHIPS ARE HAPPIER HUMAN BEINGS IN LIFE.
  4. M – Meaning – What is the meaning of your life? What is your purpose of your life? Have you really set any goals? As per Maslow’s Need Hierarchy model, we talk of self-actualization after our basic needs of love, hunger, thirst and sex are met. We all look forward to something bigger in life. What is your goal in life? YOU NEED TO DEFINE THAT GOAL IN YOUR LIFE NOW.
  5. A – Accomplishments – Celebrate your accomplishments, small or big; You must celebrate it. It may be small achievements, collect your family and friends and celebrate those small achievements. Make them sound big to your own self because YOU CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.

The journey is immensely positive. Everything is in your reach. What you need is the right attitude because happiness is not only an emotion but it is an attitude and it is within your reach right inside you.

Anger Management

This has been a topic of concern for years. How do we manage our anger? Why do we need to manage our anger? What does anger do? Do I really need to manage my anger? Am I the one who gets angry very often?

Today, we will try to better understand this topic and more importantly we will manage this emotion in a healthier manner.

At times,after you have said something to someone, you may realize, “Oh, I wish I did not say that”;obviously regretting it.

Also, there may have been some people either at home,work or within your social circle that perhaps have already recommended and suggested that you must deal with your anger issues.

At times your perception of your thoughts may be that those people around you are foolish, or maybe you start blaming others when things go wrong.You also may think that you are not responsible. You may also continue to think that bad things happen to good people and you have been so nice and good all along.
But you always see things going wrong around you and you believe that you are getting angry very frequently.

Now, whatever the case may be whether somebody has told you or not but ANGER is TOXIC and this TOXIN may certainly harm others,but it firstly will harm you.

How can one seek help?

Anger is definitely an emotion, this quote best describes it as “It is the motion in the ocean”. Close your eyes and think about the ocean at times it is calm and at times it has enormous waves.

So today, I will share some healthy tips whereby you can try handling your turbulent issues that stir enormous emotions such as: anger.

People have described that when one is experiencing anger, it is as if one is in a trance.You will not be able to process what is happening around you. Remember, that this will harm you,your career, your relationships, your health and you will lose all your precious things.

If you are able to identify these serious anger issues, even if you apologize afterwards,you will still need to receive professional support because you are simply holding it within you.

How can we help you? What should you be doing about it?

There is one thing for sure. Anger enables you to raise your voice and you will automatically create a barrier and distance between yourself and others. Although, if you observe that you are in love and care deeply for someone your voice goes lower why? Because the hearts are coming together. Sometimes, you may speak in a whisper because even that whisper is good enough when there is coherence, there is LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING.
It is very important to bring the hearts closer; especially towards the people you love.You do not need to actually react negatively and harshly towards those people you deeply love otherwise you will be ruining your relationship. Therefore, whenever you feel angry try these three very important techniques.

First and foremost there is a Seven, Eleven Technique. Inhale while counting to 7 then exhale counting eleven. If you notice that when you get angry, your breathing drastically changes, your hands get sweaty, your whole thinking process has gone haywire and it will leave you feeling extremely worried. You MUST focus on your breathing.Breathing will help you control your anger. Just keep breathing in and breathing out and enjoy the whole process. It will make things better; but the first thing you need to do is to remove the anger from within you.

For example: I am doctor Alka, and if I am getting angry I will say ” I’m not angry”. My anger will fade away.

Although,if you were trying to support someone who gets angry, ask yourself these questions: How does it look like? How does it sound like, What should you be doing, How will you look while being angry? What kind of feelings are you having?
You’re not a bad person, anger is bad, so you will need to detach yourself from the anger. At times, when anger becomes a second party and the person becomes the first party, that detachment is very important and easy;the moment you detach you’re able to guide your anger.
So the very moment you ask, How does it look like? What does it do to you? How are you able to support and help your own self and not the anger? One needs to get out of anger first.

Step number one is to focus on your BREATHING, you will have a completely different experience and more positive outcome.

IDENTIFY what your needs are. Some people have attention seeking issues. It is an attention seeking behaviour. Therefore, when one starts throwing tantrums you try to gain the attention of the people you love. You will need to think about better ways of getting attention.

It is very important that you understand, what the CAUSE is and where it is coming from. Certain emotions take you away from the source. There are certain emotions which drag you closer to the source.
For example: When we talk about emotions which take you away from the source such as: fear. You are fearful, you are super scared of something, and this emotion will actually take you away from the source.
Although,lust, greed, anger and love are the emotions which attracts you towards the source. It is very important for you to understand
where the source is and believe it; mindfulness helps tremendously.

If you start practicing mindfulness on a daily basis, I am sure that when you face a situation for any reason whether it is external or internal you will be able to deal with it in much better way.

At last, but not least, stop thinking about extreme situations including: what people may say or do, thoughts of death etc… Fight or flight reactions is something that you know.
Those people that talk about extremes have either undergone depression or have suicidal tendencies.
They only view life in extremes.

Try bringing those extreme thoughts down and you will begin to view things differently. It is just your perception and when you are in an angry state of mind your thoughts and your feelings are misperceptions. Try understanding and supporting the healthy healing process of perception; the entire anger issue will sound and appear different.

I think it is very important for us to understand how we deal with anger while knowing how to help ourselves; this will enable us to get the proper support. Once this occurs, then those people around us will enjoy brilliant relationships.

Someone Rightly said “That a certain person said that the Right person, is going to get angry but with the Right person at the Right degree at the Right time, with the Right purpose, and the Right way, actually make light .But does this all happen just the Right way?

Certainly NOT! So, what do we do? How do we feel when we are offended by someone? Some of us are very rigid, we are breakable, and we break into pieces. Actually, it is very important that we increase our strength. It may hit us physically ;look at the bigger picture, review the picture. Totally, change the picture. Look at the other side when you are getting angry sometimes you are so focused on that one point. Anger will break you into pieces. I strongly said that Right? Facing Right, Right degree and Right time, Right purpose, right away. The DANGER is not an issue, but it becomes very difficult and it is not external. You need to actually stretch your threshold and see that your idea of getting angry actually goes much higher.

Thank you so much, let’s start to working on your anger issues together.

Dealing with sibling rivalry

Sibling rivalry is the protectiveness, opposition and struggle between siblings. It is a concern for almost all parents of two or more kids. Problems often start right after the birth of the second child. Sibling rivalry usually continues throughout childhood and can be very frustrating and stressful to parents.


Sibling rivalry is the protectiveness, opposition and struggle between siblings. It is a concern for almost all parents of two or more kids. Problems often start right after the birth of the second child. Sibling rivalry usually continues throughout childhood and can be very frustrating and stressful to parents.


  1. Dos while dealing with sibling rivalry
  • Parents can set a norm of desired behaviours expected from the children to follow
  • Parents should set an example of constructive interactions to role model the behavior expected from the children.
  • Children should witness that you are talking and negotiating with a family member to solve problems.
  • Explain the children that no hitting or other physically violent behaviour is allowed.
  • The children should not call each other names but they should express their feelings openly and honestly without injuring their siblings physically or verbally.
  • You can also make a ‘safe zone’ for small children where they are able to play freely without other toddler coming and damaging their play area or toys.
  • Also you can give some personal space dedicated to each of them such as a cupboard or drawer where they can keep their belongings.
  • Explain the children that they should not destroy or damage any property.
  • Put all these rules on display in the house so that you can bring to the child’s notice when they tend to break the rules.
  • Set up and explain the judicious consequences to the children for any destructive or aggressive behavior and be consistent with these consequences.


  1. Don’ts while dealing with sibling rivalry
  • Parents should not force a child to apologize but instead support a child to see things from their sibling’s perspective. This will over time help child to better interpret behaviours and learn to be more compassionate and respectful.
  • Parents should not use labels to describe a child. E.g ‘He’s the shy’, ‘She is brainy’, etc. Instead, parents should encourage each child to stretch to roles that may be outside his or her usual behaviour patterns
  • Parents should not label children as competitors or enemies. Don’t make negative sibling comparisons and criticisms ‘Why can’t you kids ever get along?’- it will increase the rivalry. Instead, put a more positive, hopeful spin to comments. E.g. ‘I look forward to you two cooperating with each other’.
  • Parents should not compare one child in the family to another. Comparing siblings can fuel anger and negative feelings. Each child is unique, and that uniqueness should be celebrated.
  • Parents should not play favourites. It’s normal for a parent to feel a special closeness to particular child from time to time. But strive to be ethical and resist showing an obvious preference. Jealousy, resentment, and hate brew when parents play favourites.


  • Preventive measures – Instill a positive environment
  • Make a positive, supportive and cooperative environment at home that has arrangement to get along.
  • Teach your children to respectfully express what they feel, their point of view or desires. Mention often that all have a right to express their point of view.
  • Parents should direct the arguments of siblings towards problem solving steps of conflict resolution such as identify the problem; brainstorm solution options; note pros and cons of each option; select one option to try out; and repeat steps as needed.
  • Acknowledge, highlight and encourage each child’s personal strengths and uniqueness whenever possible.
  • Praise the children whenever they get along. Give them a new privilege to reward their cooperative behaviour.
  • Significantly highlight attachment to and affection for siblings – ‘I really admire what good friends you’ve become’.
  • Respect the possessions of kids and take permission before giving a younger sibling the special toys, comfort item, furniture or clothing of the older sibling.
  • Spend quality one-on-one time (uninstructed) with each child such as story time, extra cuddles at nap or television time. Take turns having one child run an errand or complete a household chore with you.
  • Teach children to work as a team together. Parents can put both the children in one team (Vs parents) in the games that they play at home instead of putting the children against each other. Parents can set collaborative rules to support each other. In this way they will learn to eradicate their internal rivalry.


  1. Managing Severe cases

Many times it so happens that the situation becomes uncontrollable. And the sibling rivalry is excessive or very often becomes aggression, physically injurious or verbal attack. These out of control situations can be prolonged screaming, throwing items, physical injury, cruel teasing / tricking, or other forms of physical or emotional attacks. In these circumstances the parents should take the help of child psychologist & counselor for precautionary / preventive measures and corrective interventions.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Do you have a child in your class who seems to listen but does not follow instructions? And is always on the move?
Are you confused why are some of the students not behaving the way they should?
Does your child throw tantrums and you do not know how to handle it?
Is your child unable to make friends?
These are all behaviors and any behavior can be changed or modified. The entire science of understanding and modifying the behavior is called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), popularly also known as ABA therapy. It is the most scientifically driven procedure for behavior modification. Here are some tips to understand and help modification of behaviors.

Do you have a child in your class who seems to listen but does not follow instructions? And is always on the move?

Are you confused why are some of the students not behaving the way they should?

Does your child throw tantrums and you do not know how to handle it?

Is your child unable to make friends?

These are all behaviors and any behavior can be changed or modified. The entire science of understanding and modifying the behavior is called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), popularly also known as ABA therapy. It is the most scientifically driven procedure for behavior modification. Here are some tips to understand and help modification of behaviors.

So, let us understand what is the ABC of ABA?

  • A stands for Antecedent. When any behavior occurs there is a situation that precedes the behavior which is called Antecedent (what happens before, what triggers the behavior). Antecedent is very important to understand if we are looking at modifying the behavior of a child / adult / autistic child / non-autistic child.
  • B stands for Behavior that occurs after antecedent.
  • C stands for consequences. Consequence is what happens after the behavior occurs. Consequences can also be classified into reinforcement and punishment. If we want to change or modify the behavior then it is of utmost importance to understand the concept of reinforcement and punishment.

Reinforcement is used to increase the occurrence of a wanted behavior. There are two types of reinforcement – Positive & Negative.

Punishment is used to decrease the occurrence of an unwanted behavior. Punishments, traditionally are considered not to be used unless very necessary as it leaves a scar on the psyche of a child. And there are two types of punishments – Positive & Negative

If you learn to use reinforcements and punishments, then you are able to modify anyone’s behavior. So for all those parents, teachers and caregivers who want to induct good, desirable and socially acceptable behavior in the children, they must understand the science of using reinforcements and punishments

Let us understand the types of reinforcements and punishment:-

Positive punishment – Positive punishment means adding something that the child does not like in the schedule after the occurrence of an unwanted behavior. E.g. Max a student who gets poor results so every time when max brings home a poor result the mother will ask him to wash the dishes after dinner. So she added something that Max does not like? So to avoid this Max will start getting better grades. And thus he decreases the behavior of bringing poor grades. This is called positive punishment.

Negative punishment – Negative Punishment is taking away something the child likes to decrease an unwanted behavior. E.g. a child if misbehaves in class then the teacher will deny a PE period for him. So if the child does not want to miss the PE period then he will make sure that he behaves well in class. Thus the undesired behavior in class is reduced. This is negative punishment.

Positive Reinforcement – To increase a wanted behavior by adding something that the child likes is called a positive reinforcement. E.g. If a child displays a good behavior such as greeting guests or talking nicely with others, and the parent gives a favorite eatable or visit his favorite place or extra play time. So this will make the child continue the wanted behavior in future. This is positive reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement – Negative reinforcement is to take away something the child dislike to increase wanted behavior E.g. Teacher gives a task to Roby to be completed in 5 minutes and if he does so she will not send him for swimming as Roby dislikes swimming. So to avoid the swimming Roby finished the task in 5 minutes. This is negative reinforcement

Try using the reinforcements and punishments with the children and you will be able to achieve amazing results. The important thing is that you need to be consistent with your implementation to obtain the desired results.

Behavior Modification using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

An ABA practitioner observes behavior in the natural environment (classroom, home, public places etc.), to identify why the behavior occurs (known as antecedent) and what happens after the behavior (known as consequence). They also analyze what are the environmental factors that are responsible for a behavior to occur OR prevent certain behaviors from occurring. A consequence is the result that happens after the behavior. If the behavior is a desired behavior a reinforcer is introduced as a consequence for the behavior to reoccur. The key for effective intervention is to identify problem behaviors which need to be changed and which reinforers are acting for reoccurrence of behavior.

An ABA practitioner observes behavior in the natural environment (classroom, home, public places etc.), to identify why the behavior occurs (known as antecedent) and what happens after the behavior (known as consequence). They also analyze what are the environmental factors that are responsible for a behavior to occur OR prevent certain behaviors from occurring. A consequence is the result that happens after the behavior. If the behavior is a desired behavior a reinforcer is introduced as a consequence for the behavior to reoccur. The key for effective intervention is to identify problem behaviors which need to be changed and which reinforers are acting for re occurrence of behavior.

The three strategies to deal with socially inappropriate behavior are :-

  1. Positive Reinforcement should not be provided on the occurrence of unwanted behaviour. Think of a situation: whenever a child throws tantrums the caregiver turns the TV on. In this case the consequence of a bad behaviour is reinforced (TV Viewing). When the behaviour analyst observes this behaviour they clearly guide the caregiver to stop reinforcing the behavior. Due to this wrong reinforcement the behavior of the child is likely to become worse in tantrum throwing which becomes of longer duration. We need to teach the child how to request TV time in an appropriate way instead of throwing tantrum.
  2. Appropriate Behavior should be reinforced.

There is a need to increase intensity and duration of reinforcement for appropriate behavior. In above example there is a need that child should be made aware of inappropriate behavior and the child will get reinforcement only if the child behaves appropriately. In this case, the behavior analyst may teach the child to request for TV time by using the terminology “TV please?” if the child can vocalize that statement. The behavior analyst would then train caregivers to only turn the television on when the child says “TV please” and not when the child throws tantrums.

Using these first two strategies in a combination may serve to eliminate the increase in the problem behavior.

  1. Introduce something that a child dislikes to reduce the Unwanted behavior. When the behavior is extremely severe, where individual is harming themselves or others, unpleasant consequence (Positive Punishment) can be introduced. Instead of providing the reinforcer, the behavior analyst may train caregivers to present a consequence the individual does not like, at all. The term behavior analyst’s use for this strategy is punishment. Say, for instance, in the example described above, the child’s tantrum behavior usually results in him forcefully hitting his body against objects in the environment, resulting in bruises and cuts. In such a case, any instance of the behavior could lead to the child severely harming himself. As an intervention, the behavior analyst may recommend a punishment procedure where, if the child doesn’t like being sent to the time-out corner, it is recommended that whenever he throws a tantrum he is taken to the time-out corner until he is quiet and calm for a designated period of

A combination of all three strategies may be used in this case for effective behavior management.

The Magic Of Law Of Attraction

There are multiple laws around us. Some are physics and others, government. Yet, we have an exciting law that is always within our reach: the law of attraction. The law is simple: one can get anything under the sun in their life if they manifest for it.

It’s an amazing science. Whatever the human mind and conceive and believe, it can easily achieve. There are books and movies like ‘The Secret’ based on the law of attraction. Maybe reading and watching these is a good way to introduce yourself to the strength and beauty of this law!

Firstly, listening is a vital skill. Even though our mind tends to believe only what we want to hear due to the confirmation bias, being more alert is vital. If we listen to everything around us, we will be more alert to our surroundings and have greater control.

Having a vision board is an excellent way to have control over our own thoughts and believes. If we want a car, we can get a car. A good way to really make ourselves believe that want it is to be precise with our dreams, get a picture of the model and the colour and have it looking at through your vision board!

Next, perspective is essential. The meaning we attach to something is not external- it’s rather from within. How we interpret our surroundings is essential. A rainy day can be romantic for one while gloomy for another at the same time.

Also, we create the negativity in our life. They are planted by us, and hence can be eliminated by us very easily. In a garden where we plant nothing, we will only have weed and grass, but if we plant a good seed, we may get roses. We need to keep taking to ourselves and telling us that we are good, we are great.

We have an exclusive access to our inner self and positive affirmations can save the day!

Today, at the dawn of the post Covid era- take charge of yourself, heal yourself and experience change like never before!



Conversations about intelligence are a common part of our daily lives. Historically, we have all tried to determine how intelligent us and the others around us are. However, breaking down the abstract idea of intelligence gives rise to many other questions. For instance, most intelligence tests are only confined to verbal and logical reasoning. Yet, there are many other ways in which someone can demonstrate intelligence and exceptional behavior.

These questions have given birth to the 8 components of multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner. Apart from the academic focused verbal and mathematical intelligence, other types of intelligence’s  include interpersonal, intra-personal, kinesthetic, musical, visual, and naturalistic.

Interpersonal intelligence means the ability to interact and bond well with others while intra-personal means the power to understand oneself and be strong to fight adversity.

Kinesthetic relates to bodily functioning like sports, dancing, and swimming while musical and visual are more on the arts side of the spectrum.

Lastly, naturalistic accounts for all very strong five senses and culinary expertise.

Given that there are so many different and diverse ways in which we all can be intelligent, it is important to keep these various forms in mind as parents and teachers. All our children have some talent and recognizing their special intelligence at an early stage in life will help support them and hone their skills. These intelligence’s are often reflected in hobbies and extra-curricular activities that students take up in school. Appreciating them and starting a conversation about them will help empower many young hearts and will turn them into confident and multi-talented individuals! 


Our attitude around every aspect of our lives influences how we experience living. Similarly, always bearing an idea of gratitude in our hearts and minds is imperative. If we focus on the things we have and constantly remind ourselves to appreciate them, the grief around the things that we do not have can be easily eliminated from our day-to-day living.

As the saying goes- count your blessings. The ability to fully acknowledge and empathize with what we have is an acquired skill and requires a major shift in point of view. During such crucial period of the global pandemic, this opportunity is overwhelmingly available. We are at home and have spare time and capacity in our minds to keep running all sorts of thoughts. Amidst this process, a spur of negative thinking can destroy your day, weeks and even months. However, with a twist of the ‘attitude of gratitude’, positive thinking can come to our rescue.

For starters, to routinize gratefulness, we can prepare a book of gratitude. In this book, we can write at least one thing in our day or life which we feel grateful for.  As days pass, our approach should be to read through the logs of the previous days every time we add to the journal for a new day. This way, there is a tangible light of hope reminding us that there is lots in life we can be thankful for.

The second stage of introspection is to dwell into the era of ‘why’ we are grateful to illicit feelings of very rational positivity. With this synergy working like a self-help personal diary, you for sure have one magical object to charm you when you are sad!

So let’s inculcate the attitude of gratitude and spread a positive magnitude!




Holiday Camp Venues and Nearby Areas

Following are the areas of each campus of dubai

1- New World  Private School (Al Twar) – DUBAI

International city, Mirdif, Al Warqa, Nad Al Hamar, Al Rashidya, Al Twar, Al Qusais, Al Nahda, Al Muhaisnah, Abu Hail, Al Mamzar, Al Hamriyah, Diera, Rigga, Muraqabat etc

2 – Bright Rider ( DIP) – DUBAI

DIP, Arabian Ranches, Sports City, Motor City, Discovery Gardens, JLT, Marina Dubai, Jumeirah, Barsha, T.Com, Jabel Ali Village, Palm Jumeirah, etc

3- Amity Private School, Muwailah- SHARJAH

Detox Your Subconscious

In the era of COVID-19, we are all facing mixed emotions. Some of us are stressed and anxious whilst others are helpless and have lost hope due to the situations around them. The pressing question is what can be done and how one can be trained to be better off in the long run. While we may believe that most of our thoughts are under our control and we know exactly what we are thinking at any point in time, it is also important to consider the power of the subconscious mind. During a stressful time like this, detoxifying the subconscious is the key to maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

It is clear that our subconscious is driven by the emotions we attach to every situation. In the story of the prisoner as narrated by neurologist Dr Viktor Frankl, we see how a man passed away exactly at the date the inner voice in his dream had chosen for him to ‘escape’ the harsh conditions of the prison. Here, the man attached the idea of ‘escaping’ with a date and when he did not see any positive way out of captivity, the negative energy flowing within him brought him to his death bed.

This tells us that even in the most difficult situations, we are always driving what happens in our lives and have the power to take our destiny in our hands based on how we think. An optimistic approach towards the current situation and being able to filter out fact from emotion in the hope of a strong comeback in the future is the ideal way of detoxifying our subconscious. While it is important to be aware of statistics and transmission rates around us, one must not be glued to social media and news channels that constantly pumps out negative dimensions. It is in our hands to control what we see, think and hear. A cautionary and careful approach will automatically contribute towards the perfect detox for our subconscious!


During this crucial period, I would like to highlight how teachers around the world are facing challenges with the unprecedented and new mode of delivering even the most formal education through the internet. Teachers are always given a huge amount of respect across various cultures and how them being happy results in an entire community and a whole new generation prospering towards success.

Firstly, I would like to mention the importance of time management technique which suggests that any activity, including that of online teaching should happen in 25-minute sessions followed by 5-minute breaks. These can be organized for up to three times in a row upon which a class should get 30 minutes of downtime where teachers get to re-energize and feel fresh.

Next up, teachers must also ensure that they have a designated workstation at home to give them a sense of structure, clarity and continuity. This place can also be portable in the form of a ‘toolkit’ that includes all essentials so that one can get set go easily and conveniently.

With that, mental and emotional well being of our teachers is a priority. This includes everything from healthy conversation with friends and family to a planned diet that can accommodate for both health and taste. What one eats significantly affects their psyche, impacting how they work and interact with everyone- especially their students.

Also, as it is always said, physical well being relates to happiness. Breathing exercises that increase body oxygen levels can certainly lead to a fresh start to the day, which not only benefit the teacher themselves, but all the students they work with.

And finally, designating time is important. Students must know when to reach out and expect a response as well as when not to disturb their teachers. This will enable teachers to focus on all parts of their lives and be emotionally stable, without having to stress themselves in situations where students demand or solicit immediate replies at odd hours. When it comes to Online Teaching and Learning itself, there is an ocean of resources available online and we must remember to access them! Experts are happy to help, and aids and videos are available everywhere, so most teachers will find it easy to get started!

Stay home! Stay safe! Have a healthy Online Teaching and Learning Experience!





We are in the middle of tremendous stress and the COVID-19 situation has visibly changed our lives. Yet, there are cases of positivity, success and recovery blooming all around us. As the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed proclaimed that ‘we will win’ in a tweet this morning, Dr. Alka Kalra also came up with a toolkit to reboot. Here’s a list of simple to-dos that will help you relax and rejoice this time with yourself as the world, and its people, heal towards victory.

  1. Deep Breathing Exercises

Yes, we now have the time to pamper ourselves. This does not always mean going to a spa or booking a vacation- it can be something as simple as a deep breathing exercise with a little bit of meditation for 10-15 minutes daily, to create and absorb the positive energy around us. Come, let us greet every new day with a few fresh breaths!

  1. An Attitude of Gratitude

Most of us are fighting our own battles as our front-liners work around the clock to protect us. Expressing gratitude for what you have and for what others are doing for you is an ingenious self care remedy! Saying thank-you is an empowering gesture, which makes you and the other person happy at the same time! That’s two smiles for one deal.

  1. Think Long-Term

While the future is still cloudy with doubts and question-marks, this time with family is good enough to chalk-out a long-term vision for yourself. Think of the positive self you will be in the next decade, and the wonders that your actions will create around the world as the universe does its fair share and rolls all the good vibes towards you- starting today, until…forever?

  1. Internalize Positivity

Mental strength is our modern strategy! If one remains mentally strong and positive about their approach to incoming problems, then they have their own little army to battle personal, or even global catastrophes. Reminding ourselves of the good things that have happened to us in the past and using this inventory to reflect them on our present and future can be an amazing pass-time!

  1. Get Connected- virtually, for now ?

Yes, we are isolated but only physically. We still have an opportunity to remain emotionally and mentally invested in ourselves and our relationships. Getting connected is just a phone-call or text message away but can help build your confidence and mental stamina! Call the right person, start with a gush of joy and it will be your best virtual coffee date!


Are you facing a challenge dealing with the children with special needs at home?

With the ‘Stay at Home’ compulsion, I am sure many parents might be going through frustration, as they have to manage kids with different level of challenges at home. Different children are impacted at a different level, it could be mild, moderate, and severe or some may even be profoundly impacted. Hence as a parent, we first need to understand the level and need of our child.

Next, it is most important to change our mindset, as we take it for granted that ‘these kids with challenges cannot manage to learn on an e-learning platform’.  In fact, being an educational psychologist I have tried and tested online learning with our lovely children and was truly happy to see how beautifully various online training programs work to support these children with challenges and help them developing their knowledge and skills.  With the present generation, I believe that e-learning is much more effective than in-class learning. So, do ensure that even these children get an exposure as any other children does.

So, the key to this is, a little bit of research on Google, to find out what sort of online learning support can be provided for the children with special needs at home. One click and you will see a menu of amazing online learning programs and online therapies too. Then, why do we refrain these lovely children from having access to what they deserve and what they need? So make the most of all the available online support like, online behavioural therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.

As you manage to identify the need of your child and give him/her the experience of online learning support it will not only help him, but even help you to develop the necessary skills, as you will be a silent supporter at the back-end. Thus, ultimately it will nurture you as a parent too. And I strongly believe that no one can be a better teacher/therapist than a mother.

Thus being a passionate educational psychologist, I have assured that my team of experts and educators is well equipped and prepared to give the best possible online learning support to these lovely children. And considering the fact that these kids are at home in their comfort zone, we have given them the flexibility of time, which allows the learner to choose any of the available time slots between 9.am to 8.pm. from Sunday to Thursday.

Apart from this, I am sure there might be many hyperactive kids at home, who probably happen to be restless when they are not engaged in any productive activity. The best thing to calm down such a child is to give him/her enough opportunity to utilize their physical energy, in activities like trampoline jumping, skipping or bouncy ball jumps and if nothing just make him aware that he has a corner for himself, where you can lay a mattress and allow him to jump, roll and bounce until his energy is totally drained out. Then let him drink water and get back to his e-learning desk. This will even help him to have a better focus while learning. Do look up for online behavioural therapy programs too as they are really helpful and effective.

On the other hand, I would strongly recommend all the parents to utilize this period and well equip themselves, by learning through a few online courses that are meant for parents and teachers to help them deal with various challenges that they face while handling their kids at home or helping them to develop their knowledge and skills.


How to defeat the anxiety that is building within you, while you are at home during this terrifying COVID- 19 period?

At this point of time it is important to stay physically fit. And I strongly believe that it is essential to keep yourself mentally fit and have an emotional balance to keep yourself physically fit. However, I totally understand that, these days having an emotional balance and keeping ourselves mentally fit is a greater challenge than keeping ourselves physically fit. But how do we overcome this challenge, this fear, and this anxiety? How can we kill this worm of anxiety that is growing within us?

Firstly, calm down yourself, and reflect upon yourself. Think what is stopping you from overcoming this wave of anxiety that is flowing to and fro in your system? What is the actual barrier, which I can break through and have an emotional balance? What is stopping me from being mentally fit?

Well, now it’s the time when we all need to understand that we are the ones who have built these barriers for ourselves and only we are responsible to breakthrough this barrier for and defeat the anxiety that is building within us. And this can be achieved by following some simple steps and changing our thought process which will help us to adapt a new approach towards life.

Consider that there is a worm of anxiety sitting within you. And each time you talk about the present scenario with your friends and family, you are feeding this tiny worm. Each time you check your social media post or Wats App forwards that are full of negative statements you are helping this tiny worm to grow bigger. Every time you see the news, or check on headlines for regular updates you are just feeding this worm inside you, and it results in growing fatter and fatter. And in no time you will realize that this worm has taken over you and has started ruling you.

Hence, in this case the first step to kill this worm is stop feeding it time and again. You need not keep a check on all the possible sources all day to tap on the current status. Well, it is absolutely important to keep a tap of what’s happening around the world and be aware, but that can be done possibly once or twice a day. There is no need of following every news channel and social media platforms 24 X 7. So set rules for yourself and your family. Being at home should not stop you from leading a disciplined life. So let’s reflect upon ourselves and turn this obstacle into an opportunity. Here are a few suggestions that can help you:

  • Set time for keeping a tap on the current status and updates of the actions taken by the government. For instance it can be twice a day for not more than 15 min.
  • Spend time with your family and children. Find activities to involve them. This will help them accelerate their knowledge and skills.
  • Think upon what did you always wanted to do, to improve yourself. What are the areas you can work upon for your personal growth? And all you need to do is, just type that word in the search box on Google and you will see a buffet of online courses available.
  • Utilize this time to tap your and your children’s hidden potential. Social distancing cannot stop you from learning. Where there is a will, there is a way! So look for distance learning options as per your desire. There are amazing live interactive online training sessions that can certainly help you to upgrade your knowledge and skills. You never know, you might probably outshine after this quarantine period as you have equipped yourself with the required knowledge and skills.
  • Be grateful to the supreme personality that, in spite of being in such a crucial situation we are able to connect with everyone and anyone across the globe, as the present era is blessed with the internet and the latest technology that covers the distance of thousands of miles just at a click. So, make the most of the technology, to connect with your loved ones and be innovative, by having certain group sessions online. For example; do a cardio workout, yoga, play games, solve a puzzle, have a party, learn a song, or set up a dance with your friends and family using wonderful web meetings app like Zoom, Webinar, Cloud meetings, etc.
  • Read a book that you always wished too. Even though, you might not have this book at home, don’t worry! Fortunately, we have Google! Search for it, and you will surely find an e-version of that book. So here you go! And I am sure you will come across many other good reads while you are doing your online research. So grab this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and language too!
  • There are various effective online training available for the generation next, who at this point of time needs to divert their attention from the negativity around them and invest this time constructively and make the most of the e-learning platform. So sit with your teenagers at home and talk with them to understand their interest and identify their potential, so you can guide them to choose the right option from the ones available online. Thus this will help them to build confidence and prepare them for a better tomorrow.
  • Try to have a set up or a role play at home with your family as if you are to a fine dine restaurant, or probably on a picnic to the park or may be a beach party. Get everyone set in the same mood. Use the required props, dress up accordingly create that ambience and enjoy the feel.
  • Remember, there are things that are under your control and there are things that are probably beyond your control. So focus on things that are under your control and take complete charge of the situation. Do not wait for things to happen, rather make things happen.
  • And lastly, live in the moment, and enjoy your time with yourself and your families. Thinking much about what will happen, where we are heading and what is our future going to be like, will lead you nowhere other than depression. So live in present and take control of the situation with a positive approach.




Help your teenagers to become a highly effective leader, and not laggards while they are at home during this crucial phase of their development.

It is often said that teenagers are the future of tomorrow. 

“Growing up isn’t easy, but with the help of right guidance and support young adults can learn to navigate through this crucial phase and come out on the other side as a highly effective adult. If we want our growing teen at home to be highly effective, then firstly they should be empowered as young adults by reminding them that it is perfectly normal to make mistakes. If and when your teenager behaves in an intrusive  or presumptuous manner, then help them navigate the treacherous waters of adolescence. The best way to navigate them is, through literary and personal experiences, hopefully teenagers can learn to take complete control of themselves and be responsible for their behaviour. This will ultimately help them discover the effective adult waiting underneath the surface. As a parent or guardian you need to take necessary steps to equip your children with the right tools to ensure that they can play an active role in shaping the future of our planet rather than just being followers.  

 Teenage years have been associated with experimental years and being a teenager is one of the greatest moments in someone’s life. Even during the later stages of life, many people still look back at their adolescent years with fond memories; their memories may not be vivid, but those memory fragments do bring smiles on their faces. Hence, it is the time when you acknowledge the fact that ‘it is okay if our growing teens make mistakes, for they have a future ahead of them to rectify those mistakes’. 

Sometimes, the future looks bleak for teenagers. What hinders teenagers is negative thinking. They always have an excuse for not doing something, citing past bad experiences or what happened to someone else. Teenagers must face tomorrow with a positive frame of mind and we are responsible to help our growing teenagers to be the future and be prepared to fight and head towards success. At this point of time it is important that our youth look within themselves and decide where they want to be in life. Things don’t just happen; one has to work hard, and the hard work should start as early as possible. And to begin the journey, what could be better than this quarantine period? 

As people face the uncertainty of the future, the most important thing is to focus on today and what one can see. A person must be determined to go all the way, even if it means cutting through the desert. Perseverance is the key to success. It conquers obstacles, sometimes, without fighting them. 

So help your teenager at home to be ready and prepared to take whatever life throws at them. Empower them with motivating words like, ‘if life throws bricks and concrete blocks at you, build a wall or bridge. If it throws plants, flowers, and trees; then make a beautiful garden. Never give up. Keep on pushing. Keep on knocking on the doors. Keep on climbing the mountains. Keep on dreaming. One day, you will live the dream.’ When such statements are quoted repeatedly, it reinforces a positive attitude in a teenager which results in building their confidence and self-esteem. This way you are enlightening the leader in your growing teen and developing their leadership skills too. 

Leadership is an important skill for the students in middle and high school to acquire. While they continue to hone their leadership style and skills not just through their teenage years, but even during the later stages of their careers, students can benefit from gaining an early understanding of what makes a great leader and what holds someone back from becoming a respected leader.


Help your teenagers to become a highly effective leader, and not laggards while they are at home during this crucial phase of their development.

It is often said that teenagers are the future of tomorrow.
“Growing up isn’t easy, but with the help of right guidance and support young adults can learn to navigate through this crucial phase and come out on the other side as a highly effective adult. If we want our growing teen at home to be highly effective, then firstly they should be empowered as young adults by reminding them that it is perfectly normal to make mistakes. If and when your teenager behaves in an intrusive or presumptuous manner, then help them navigate the treacherous waters of adolescence. The best way to navigate them is, through literary and personal experiences, hopefully teenagers can learn to take complete control of themselves and be responsible for their behaviour. This will ultimately help them discover the effective adult waiting underneath the surface.

As a parent or guardian you need to take necessary steps to equip your children with the right tools to ensure that they can play an active role in shaping the future of our planet rather than just being followers.
Teenage years have been associated with experimental years and being a teenager is one of the greatest moments in someone’s life. Even during the later stages of life, many people still look back at their adolescent years with fond memories; their memories may not be vivid, but those memory fragments do bring smiles on their faces. Hence, it is the time when you acknowledge the fact that ‘it is okay if our growing teens make mistakes, for they have a future ahead of them to rectify those mistakes’.

Sometimes, the future looks bleak for teenagers. What hinders teenagers is negative thinking. They always have an excuse for not doing something, citing past bad experiences or what happened to someone else. Teenagers must face tomorrow with a positive frame of mind and we are responsible to help our growing teenagers to be the future and be prepared to fight and head towards success. At this point of time it is important that our youth look within themselves and decide where they want to be in life. Things don’t just happen; one has to work hard, and the hard work should start as early as possible. And to begin the journey, what could be better than this quarantine period?

As people face the uncertainty of the future, the most important thing is to focus on today and what one can see. A person must be determined to go all the way, even if it means cutting through the desert. Perseverance is the key to success. It conquers obstacles, sometimes, without fighting them.
So help your teenager at home to be ready and prepared to take whatever life throws at them. Empower them with motivating words like, ‘if life throws bricks and concrete blocks at you, build a wall or bridge. If it throws plants, flowers, and trees; then make a beautiful garden. Never give up. Keep on pushing. Keep on knocking on the doors. Keep on climbing the mountains. Keep on dreaming. One day, you will live the dream.’ When such statements are quoted repeatedly, it reinforces a positive attitude in a teenager which results in building their confidence and self-esteem. This way you are enlightening the leader in your growing teen and developing their leadership skills too.

Leadership is an important skill for the students in middle and high school to acquire. While they continue to hone their leadership style and skills not just through their teenage years, but even during the later stages of their careers, students can benefit from gaining an early understanding of what makes a great leader and what holds someone back from becoming a respected leader.


Stress Management During Exams

Stress Management During Exams
Dr. Alka Kalra, Educational Psychologist Eduscan Institute, Dubai

As exam season nears, a wave of anxiety spreads through not only students but parents and teachers as well. It is extremely necessary to manage this stress correctly as it can affect students adversely. Dr. Alka Kalra, a renowned CDA Licensed Educational-Psychologist shares a few tips for students, parents and teachers alike on how to manage stress during the exams.

For Students:

Analyze the situation and be realistic.

Face your fears!
Doing this simple exercise can help you overcome your obstacles. Take a piece of paper and write down all the causes of your anxiety. Next to each identified problem, write down the ways you think that are possible solutions. Then, take a break from your preparations to discuss your fears and concerns with your parents or your teachers.

It only takes 15 minutes a day to do this exercise. Focus on your deep breathing coming from your diaphragm and relax.
Words of affirmation:
With more realistic thoughts such as: “Even if I am afraid, I will do everything I can to overcome any obstacle to achieve my goals”.
Spend at least 30 minutes exercise regularly.

Focus is the most essential factor in what and how to process what is being learned.
Meditation helps to keep your brain at the center. It enhances your focus, keeps you calm, and helps you to be in the right state of mind to concentrate on your studies. So, just breathe in, breathe out and make an effort to take the mind to a calmer state before you proceed to study. It is helpful to our holistic wellness.

For Parents:

Be calm.
As parents, your emotional state and approach to your child have a significant effect on their attitude towards learning, dealing with their exams and accepting the results. The following are a few things to keep in mind to help your children be calm and set the right expectation in the exams.

Say words of encouragement
As your child faces enough pressure from school and peers, along with their anxieties regarding performance, strive to provide a supportive atmosphere at home. Appreciate and encourage your child’s efforts in wanting to excel in school. The smallest efforts and achievement recognized by their parents is a huge factor in helping them set and achieve their goals.

Talk to them about their feelings
All children experience different levels of anxiety before exams. Where this anxiety stems from, however, may be different for each child. Sit and talk to your child about his / her feelings and expectations. This can be done in a casual and comfortable manner and atmosphere. Make them feel and assure them that they are heard, understood and have your full support.

For Teachers:

Assess students for coping skills and screen for vulnerable students.
Make an effort to observe and screen your students on tendencies on getting stuck and a decrease in performance due to anxiety during the examination period. Find out who among your students are prone to last-minute revisions, committing repetitive mistakes and change of behavior.

Impart study skills and habits.
Revise and rehearse effective study skills. Help your students learn to organize their time and material. Introduce a calendar of activities and a checklist according to the importance of topics and schedule. This will help them to become realistic in setting and meeting their goals and deadlines.

Provide Life skills training
Encourage students to maintain healthy habits and routines during the preparation and examination period. Emphasize the importance of leisure time, regular breaks, a good diet, adequate sleep and exercise in maintaining emotionally healthy, stable and keeping the right mindset and approach to examinations.

About the Author
Dr. Alka Kalra is a renowned psychologist and a Professional Counsellor, who is known as a crusader for children who are misperceived as underachievers. With her passion for children who have hidden learning difficulties, Dr. Alka wanted them to never undermine themselves and realized that they have unique skills and strengths. To work with these children, she established Eduscan in 1995. Within two decades in the UAE, Dr. Alka has changed the lives of numerous children who struggled at school due to their low performance. They are now in different parts of the works with successful careers. She also believes in training teachers as they touch many lives. Community Development Authority (Dubai) certified psychologist Dr. Alka is known for the assessment of personality, aptitude, intelligence, and hidden learning difficulties. Dr. Alka has had the honor of receiving the university gold medal in Masters of Psychology and has a second Masters in Education as well. She has earned her Ph.D. and her Post-Doctoral Research from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. To know more about her work, follow her on her Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit her website:


Does your child suffer from keeping his focus and concentration?

Does your child suffer from keeping his focus and concentration?
Focus and concentration issues may prevent your child from achieving their potential. Difficulties with attention can affect all aspects of your child’s life. Each child’s attention span varies that are caused by underlying factors and can affect the different life aspects such as school performance, relationships, emotional control, and memory retention. The good news is, there are scientifically-proven effective exercises that will help improve your child’s focus and concentration.
Here are some tips to help improve your child’s focus and concentration:
• Identify the areas your child needs to improve on. Common examples include: listening to what is being taught, completing their homework, and improving organizational skills. Children may improve their concentration when parents are attentive to them. This means that when communicating with your child, you make sure that you talk to them face-to-face and make eye contact.
• Help your child set a goal that needs improvement. The goal should be specific and can easily be identified when these goals are achieved.
• Use reward system. Choose a reward best fit your child when they achieve the goal.
• Teach your child how to keep track of his or her attention.
• A distraction-free environment unless engaged in something they like because children may find it more difficult to screen out distractions. You need to keep the environment where they learn, study or carry out tasks, as distraction-free as possible.
• Ensure that your child has enough sleep at night supported by naps during the day. Establish a bedtime routine. The earlier the bedtime, the easier it is to implement this routine.
• Let them play games that require focus. You can train and strengthen a child’s ability to focus by playing games that require thinking. Playing games that require focus, planning as well as memory games combine fun and concentration.
• Give tasks at a minimum. You may start with a single task at a time. As a parent, allow your child to have time for pleasure and fun helping them to take out the stress off that affects their inability to focus and shorten attention span and concentration.
Choose and decide which best fits your child and be consistent on the task and routine you have to implement. This way, you are helping in a variety of areas of your child’s life.

Eduscan offers Memory and Concentration in our Leadership Training Course for the Spring Camp in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. Camp starts 22nd of March 2020.

How to develop leadership at a young age

Leaders are not born but made. “Before one becomes a leader, success is all about growing yourself. But when one becomes a leader, success is all about growing others.”
The overall development of the child depends on various factors ranging from academics to exposure to environment, passion or interests, extra-curricular activities, etc. Today’s young children will be the next generation of leaders in their families, communities and workplace. And hence it becomes very crucial to enhance all factors since their early age to develop their leadership qualities.

Young leaders should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, which in turn develops a sense of responsibility, self-efficacy and positive mindset, coupled with planning and organisational skills. This process enables them to become better learners, therefore develop qualities like creativity, confidence, problem-solving, perseverance, focus, non-verbal communication, receiving constructive feedback, collaboration, dedication, and accountability.
Amidst today’s very competitive environment, a child would be reluctant to take up initiatives, and therefore a series of interventions with a completely different approach is required to overcome this limitation. Genuine leadership opportunities support to transition into adulthood, foster skills and character to be responsible citizens and promote social and emotional well-being. These opportunities should be such that provide real-life occasions to practice – where successes and failures are equally valuable and time is spent on self-reflection with coaching feedback.
Eduscan Institute conducts such Leadership training; specially designed by Dr. Alka Kalra – a renowned educational psychologist; which is unique because the training focuses on identifying and highlighting the hidden potentials rather than working on personality gaps. The training is designed with carefully selected activities that not only boosts physical and academic progress, but also other personality aspects such as stage confidence and social skills. The learning outside the classroom accelerates the learning inside the classroom. Thus enabling children to conceive a positive self-image and trust their abilities to lead. The leadership training batch starts on 1st July and will continue till 31st August. Visit their website to know more about the course.

About Dr. Alka Kalra

Dr. Alka is renowned Psychologist and a Professional Counselor who is known as a crusader for children who are misperceived as underachievers. With her Unnerving passion for children who have hidden learning difficulties, Dr. Alka wanted them to never undermine themselves and realize that they have unique skills and strengths. To work on these children she established EDUSCAN in 1995. Within the span of two decades in the UAE. Dr. Alka has changed the lives of numerous children who struggled at school due to their low-performance they are now in the roles of white collar jobs with good portfolios.
Dr. Alka’s passion is to work on who are poor in math and have reading, writing and spelling difficulties. She believes in training teachers as it is incredibly crucial because teachers can touch many lives. Dr. Alka conduct programs such as the “Walk on Fire” where participants walk on burning coals without a single blister which she calls a “life changing” experience. Community Development Authority (Dubai) certified psychologist Dr. Alka is famous for assessment of personality, aptitude, intelligence and hidden learning difficulties etc. Dr. Alka has the honor of receiving university gold medal in Masters of Psychology and has second Masters in Education as well. She had earned her Ph.D. and had her Postdoctoral Research from University of Pittsburgh- USA.
A true all-rounder, she was also the winner of the All India Best Cadet Award and received the Gold Medal from the late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Some of the other major awards she has won are “Woman of the Year Award” by International Women Association, Lady of the Year award by Indian Ladies Association and Lioness of the Year Award by Lions Club International. The latest feather in cap of success is that she is honored to be Super Hundred Women Achiever from India in Middle East & Africa.

3 Questions for Powerful Parenting through Communication

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” — Mark Twain.Communication is a very important aspect of parenting. Communication between parents and children happens all the time. Therefore, it has the most impact on children.Whatever is being communicated to the children; has a direct impact on their emotional and physical well being.

Also whether the communication is happening ‘at’ instead of ‘with’ children makes a lot of difference. What is more important is ‘how’ the communication happens rather than ‘what’ is being communicated.
SEE ALSO: How to Develop Leadership at a Young Age
We often witness that parents use harsh words or rude language with the children when they are angry with them. During communication with children, 3 filters of utmost importance should be used to improve the communication.

1. Is it true?

Many things are spoken but most of the time if the information is true or not, is not verified. And that creates misunderstanding

2. Is it important?

The second filter is about how important is that information. Parents need to analyse the significance of the information that they wish to convey to their child.

3. Is it helpful?

The third filter is whether the information is helpful to the child or family? Only if it supports and enhance the esteem or motivates the child; should the information be communicated to the child.
These 3 filters help us to eliminate the unwanted statements and enrich the quality of content while communicating with children. This immensely improves the relationship between parents and children.
The approach of the parent also plays a vital role in the way communication occurs. The assertive approach that allows two ways interaction is much more effective than the dictator’s approach which is only commanding or instructing. So it is suggested that parents should encourage their young kids to not only understand non-verbal clues but also effectively use it. If parents positively reinforce this, it gets embedded as a part of their personality.
Parents need to understand their children before being understood by the children, which can be achieved by active listening instead of just hearing while communicating.
What you say is important but how you say is more important.
Are you interested in getting more such insights on parenting? Do you need any feedback and suggestions from an expert? Then don’t forget to listen to the live talk by Dr. Alka Kalra, educational psychologist, on Facebook. She will be live every Thursday at 12:30pm.For further details, follow Eduscan Group on Facebook. Keep your questions ready!

About Dr. Alka Kalra

Dr. Alka is a community development authority (Dubai) certified psychologist and a professional counselor. She believes that each child has unique skills and strengths and is particularly passionate about children with learning difficulties. Through assessments (personality, aptitude and intelligence) and tailor made courses at Eduscan, not just for children but also teachers and parents, she has positively touched the lives of numerous children.
She regularly shares her views on parenting and child-rearing practices on TV, radio and on Eduscan’s social media. She has been appreciated and awarded various titles including:
• Top Indian Achiever Super 100
• “Woman of the year” by International Women Association
• “Lady of the year” by Indian Ladies association
• “Lioness of the year” by Lions Club International
• All India Best Cadet ‘Gold Medal’ by Prime Minister of India Late Indira Gandhi

3 Effective Strategies to Deal with Stage Fright

‘It’s the biggest day of your life and probably the scariest one too. There are hundreds of people in the audience who have gathered just to hear your speech. You finally step on the stage and hear a huge round of applause. Your speech starts; people are clapping and responding well. Suddenly, you fumble and forget your next few words and everything turns

You will be surprised to know that the third richest person in the world, Warren Buffet was once even scared to take his name in front of everyone. But he had this urge to overcome his stage fright. He joined a public speaking course and successfully completed it. Today, we all know who he is and that’s the power of overcoming fear!
Always remember that nobody can die while speaking on stage. But yes, there are people who would prefer to die, than to speak on stage. Try out a few strategies if you have the desire to speak on stage or in front of a large group of people.
1. Visualize
These strategies can be used anytime. It involves visualizing yourself as a good public speaker, trying to imagine the audience laughing and applauding and visualizing the fact that you are helping various people through your speech.

2. Practice
In order to be well prepared, you need to organize your speaking notes and run a thorough practice. You should be able to memorize the opening statements in such a way that even if someone wakes you up from a deep sleep and asks about it, you should be able to recite it. Keep practising in front of the mirror till you see yourself doing perfectly fine!

3. Stay Calm
Be at the venue preferably an hour early. Notice the things happening at the event and try and include elements from the live event in your speech. Remember to stay calm, revise your notes, take a walk and have sufficient water. Double check your mike, projector, etc. and then you are good to go.

Following these few tips can really make a lot of difference in your performance. Something similar is taught at Eduscan Group summer camps.
The whole objective of the camp is to make the kid confident and independent. The unique part of the camp is its final day function performance where all the camp kids put up a show for their parents. Children get to perform activities like public speaking, karate, yoga, dance, aerobics and more. In fact, during the camp they even work on the memory and concentration of children. On the final day they demonstrate the concentration power of kids by making them read information on a business card blindfolded. They can easily recognize the color of a ball they are handed over, blindfolded! This leaves the audience in awe! The function displays a beautiful transformation in kids and their behavior. Children who used to be scared to talk to strangers come out of the camp with a lot of new friends! It is an overwhelming journey for the parents as well, since they see the transformation in them.
About Eduscan Group

4 Ways to Overcome Phobias and Fears

Do we really know what is a phobia? It is something that makes us nervous; when we get those butterflies in our stomach. It makes us feel different from what we normally feel. Abnormal breathing, sweaty palm, and jittery feeling are just some common signs. The body is not in our control and it is reacting to some unknown factor and that is defined as the true state of phobia.

Even young children suffer from different kinds of phobia or fear. Having phobia or fear can be a factor in one’s growth and development as an individual. Dr. Alka Kalra, renowned educational psychologist, and director of Eduscan Group has shared some interesting steps on how you can overcome your fears and phobias:
SEE ALSO: How to Develop Leadership at Such a Young Age

1. Identify your fear or phobia

You may be scared of water, height, insects, travelling in an airplane, etc. Some students may fear speaking in public. Teenagers or middle school students mostly experience anxiety or fears related to social acceptance and academic achievement. It is extremely important to understand the components that actually trouble you.

2. Identify the factor that brings discomfort to your body

If you are scared of a cockroach, then you need to understand that at what distance it starts troubling you. To understand this you can get an artificial cockroach, first keep it far away and then slowly bring it near you. Distance is a very important factor to identify your fear. The distance at which you feel the discomfort in your body will help you define your fear.

3. Systematic desensitization

Once you understand the factors that trouble you, then you learn to face it. Relax your body, breathe in and breathe out. The only difference between a dead man and an alive man is breath. Be it any emotion, fear or anger, our breathing gets affected, it either becomes too fast or it becomes too slow. We need to focus on how to normalize it. It is important to understand that the brain controls our breathing. Once we understand the art of doing it, we will feel more relaxed and will actually be able to face the fear. And that is exactly what systematic desensitization means; facing your fear!

4. Rationalize the factor

Phobias are unrealistic fears. If you have a fear of driving and you feel someone will hit your vehicle. Try and understand why do you think it will happen only to your vehicle alone? Rationalize it, move it from your right hemisphere to the left hemisphere of the brain which is linked to logical thinking and make sure that you logically start thinking about it. All phobias and fears exist on the right side of the brain. Learn to move it to the left side and start to logically reason it out. Then is the time when you do long deep breathing.
Follow these steps and you will be amazed to see that it is not what your body and mind decides, it is you who control your body and mind. It’s time to take the wheel and drive it to any destination you want to go. Fears exist when you don’t really know what you should be doing when you know your clear steps about it, you can learn to deal with it.
Some things are easier said than done. It might happen that you may find it difficult to follow the above steps. If you want to learn this art and be a part of Dr. Alka’s most powerful program which is known as Untap your hidden potential training. Some people are even phobic of their own success, they don’t even know how to handle it. They are so fearful that they are not able to achieve what they are capable of achieving just because of the mental block. This mental block is ‘I KNOW I CAN’T’! This training will help you remove this mental block. So, If you are on a lookout for how to handle yourself and how to handle your fears how to overcome issues which are stopping you to get effective results, join Dr. Alka Kalra on 21st of September for this training and you’ll see your life changing!

About Dr. Alka Kalra

Dr. Alka is a community development authority (Dubai) certified psychologist and a professional counselor. She believes that each child has unique skills and strengths and is particularly passionate about children with learning difficulties. Through assessments (personality, aptitude and intelligence) and tailor made courses at Eduscan, not just for children but also teachers and parents, she has positively touched the lives of numerous children.
She regularly shares her views on parenting and child rearing practices on TV, radio and on Eduscan’s social media. She has been appreciated and awarded various titles including,

  • Top Indian Achiever Super 100
  • “Woman of the year” by International Women Association
  • “Lady of the year” by Indian Ladies association
  • “Lioness of the year” by Lions Club International
  • All India Best Cadet ‘Gold Medal’ by Prime Minister of India Late Indira Gandhi

4 Ways to Help Kids Become ‘Thinkers’

Are you a worried about your developing some analytical and creative skills? There are easy ways to help raise a creative child. From endless games and opportunities, to asking interesting questions of your child, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to develop creative thinking among young children.

Below are some interesting ways to improve your child’s creativity:

1. Present a picture to your child

Ask them to explain what they think is happening in the picture. To make it more interesting, ask them to explain what they think was happening before the picture story, and what they think will happen later on in the story. This will help them to come up with an apt logical sequence. You can play this game together as a family, where everyone can come up with their story from the same picture, and then share it with each other. An ideal picture should be the one with an action.

2. Mute a video

Another idea is to mute a video on the television and tell your kids to write down the conversation that they think should take place, by closely observing the gesture and posture of the actors. You will be surprised to see the results! Children who think on a creative end, will come up with interesting conversations. Maybe they’ll end up giving an unimaginable ending to every Harry Potter sequel!

3. Ask Open-Ended Questions

You can ask your children open-ended questions like, ‘What would you do if you had superman powers?’ , ‘If you can ask for 3 wishes, what would it be?’, ‘If you become the prime minister/leader of your country, what all would you want to do’?. This will help them to be more creative, imaginative and thoughtful.

4. Choose a family story

You can choose a favorite family story, for example, how dad fell asleep at one of the children’s’ annual performances when he was invited as a chief guest. Then ask the child to explain the story from a third person’s perspective, for example, from the principal’s perspective on what she would have thought. Being able to think about a story from an alternative perspective is an important part of improving thinking skills.
It is very important for parents to give some time of the day to enhance their child’s creative thinking skills. This can be half an hour after dinner, or maybe early morning before they go for school. Look into your schedule and make sure that you have chalked out some time to work on this with your kids.

About Eduscan

Creative thinking is a big part of Eduscan’s Winter Camp leadership training course. During the three weeks of this course, they conduct some similar activities in class with children, in order to enhance their logical reasoning and creative thinking skills. This course is specially designed by Dr. Alka Kalra, renowned educational psychologist, and Director of Eduscan Group.

3 Tips on How to Improve Your Child’s Memory

Memory plays an extremely important role in our daily lives. It helps us retrieve and organize information in our brains. It is very important to work on improving and enhancing the memory of young kids. It is during this time that kids pick up and learn things faster. Using the right techniques and tricks to improve their memory goes a long way in helping them recall information later on in life.

There are two components of memory. They are observation and visualization. There are innovative approaches to help improve these two components of memory:

Improve Kids’ Observation Skills

1. Memory drawings
It is a very powerful technique which enhances the observation skills of kids. For example, we see a wristwatch probably 20-30 times a day. But when you ask your child to draw the dial of his wristwatch, he may struggle to draw the same immediately. That’s the time when you give them a chance to look at the watch again and redo it. Another example is to tell your kids to draw their bedroom or kitchen. It will be fun to compare their drawing with the actual room and notice which ones they have missed out. In such cases, they observe keenly as they know it is followed by a test.
2. Spot the difference
A very common but effective game to improve concentration is to the spot the differences. Present two similar pictures to your kids with minor differences and ask them to highlight those differences in a given time limit. Another idea: put a lot of clocks in one room at the same time and keep one clock at a different time. Tell your kids to identify the clock with a different time.

Improve Kids’ Visualization Skills

3. How you see things
Remembering the basic numbers can be hard for young kids in the beginning. You can pair up every number with an object. For example, number one looks like a pen, two looks like a duck, three an eyeglass, four a boat, and five a star. At first, write down numbers one to five on a piece of paper and ask your kids to recall. They may or may not be able to recall every number. Then, draw these objects next to every number and tell them to visualize the same. Ask them to recall and you’ll see the difference. You can continue this exercise for number six which looks like a hockey stick, number seven which looks like a walking stick, etc.


Working as an LSA (Learning Support Assistant) with kids has made me realize that we all can solve big issues with kids with a little care and smile. So ‘caring’ is that Eduscan trait that resonates the most with me. My kids call me the world’s best mom as I make sure that I listen to all their issues and solve them. I similarly try to bond with the special kids at campus and listen to all their issues and make sure to get a smile on their face before they leave.


Being a ceramic expert I find myself passionate about passing this knowledge to my students and colleagues. My kids often tell me that I get a twinkle in my eye when I give beginners classes on potters wheel. So just like my firm Eduscan, I find myself passionate about my skills

Jaya Sarkar

I work for Art, Culture & Literature with schools &
universities from past 20 years in UAE & India. I am author of
18 Coffee Table Book. I have written five documentaries.
I am regularly invited by various literary groups for talks
& Poetry reciting.
I am passionate to work with children of learning
difficulties to improve their social skills, behavior & self esteem.

Occupational Therapy

It develops age appropriate skills in children with developmental delays. We work on daily living skills, fine & gross motor skills, co-ordination of left and right brain, visual perceptual skills & sensory integration. We train on potters wheel as well.

Symbol mastry

Students after understanding the meaning of the word creates a model of the same and letters in clay. It engages the creative process and establishes a lasting mental image for a specific word .It stops the word from causing any future disorientations.

How to Deal with Slow Learners

All kids are special in their own way and have their own strengths and weaknesses. If a child is not performing well academically, then, instead of scolding the child and not supporting him/her, it is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to understand what difficulty the child is facing and then takes measures to help them overcome it. Generally, the low academic performers are of two types, one is slow learners and the other kids with learning difficulties.

The two words ‘slow learners’ and ‘kids with learning difficulties’ are often interchangeably used which is wrong. It is very important to understand the difference between the two types and know how to treat each type.

Understanding slow learners

  • The average IQ of a child should be between 85 to 110. So, if a child’s IQ is less than 85, then he/she is regarded as a slow learner. This means that there is a general slowness in the system. On an IQ continuum, some of these kids are educable, some are trainable and some are less intelligent.
  • A child with low intelligence does not behave or study age-appropriate, and so we cannot work on their intelligence, but there are other creative ways to work on improving them. One of the ways is engaging these kids with dance and music therapies as it makes them feel good and they try to perform at their level and capacity. They can be involved in more skill-based jobs, for example, girls can go to beauty cultural therapist and boys can go to the bakery.

Understanding kids with learning difficulties

  • Kids with learning difficulties have an IQ above 85 and are actually very intelligent. Their IQ is in the place but are not performing well academically. Kids with learning difficulties are actually intelligent but yet do not perform well in areas like reading, writing, spelling, maths, etc. Even kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder are also very intelligent, they learn very fast but each type is a unique combination and they have their own weakness and strengths.
  • These kids consistently keep failing in various subjects in class. The issue is, their difficulties are not being addressed by parents and teachers. Here, psychometric assessments play a big role. There are various types of assessments example verbal and non-verbal combinations, assessments that identify the reading, writing, spelling and then understand where the difficulty is.

Dr. Alka Kalra, the renowned educational psychologist, and director of Eduscan Group believes that kids do not have learning disabilities, but they have different learning abilities or learning difficulties. If we call it a disability, then we won’t ever be able to find a cure for it. Whereas, if we call it difficulty, we will be determined to look for a solution to overcome it. The various measures mentioned above are performed at Eduscan in their Institute of determination. They work towards pinpointing the factor that is causing learning difficulties in kids and then works towards helping the child to overcome them. They have helped various such kids who are now performing well academically and are in fact working at manager level posts. They believe that it is very important to know your child better and identify their difficulties and support them because early intervention makes a big difference!

Vishal Rai

I am a MBA with Masters in Commerce & marketing.
‘Versatile’ and ‘Passionate’ are the Eduscan traits that resonates with my personality the most, as I have professionally taken up two different field, and I have a passion to work with children. I strive for versatility among the teachers and determined children by engaging with them through various interventions that bridges their gaps and helps them to develop the necessary life skills as well as enhance their abilities.

How to Identify & Treat Dyslexia among children

The word dyslexia is made up of two parts, ‘DYS’ means ‘not’ or ‘difficult’ and the other part ‘LEXIA’ means language, words or reading. So, in its real sense, dyslexia means difficulty with words. It is regarded as a specific learning difficulty with reading which affects spelling as well. The kids with dyslexia have difficulty with reading, compression, and math. According to Dr Alka Kalra, a renowned educational psychologist, and director of Eduscan Group, dyslexia is not a learning disability but it is a ‘differently learning ability’.

Children with dyslexia are actually very smart, creative, innovative and extremely imaginative. Since they have a different learning ability, they need to be taught the way they learn. They are picture thinkers and they learn by looking at pictures. There are various systems and methods that help people to cope with this difficulty.
If you are born dyslexia your brain remains dyslexic but then there is a method which can bring both kids and adults to come to dyslexia. Dr Alka believes that dyslexia can be corrected for a lifetime if proper learning systems and methods are followed. She runs a training program at Eduscan which is for the duration of 35 hours which is based on dyslexia correction method. Here they work on the following:
1. How to fix the energy levels of kids: For dyslexic children with ADHD (Attention deficit/ hyperactive disorder), it is important to manage their energy levels.
2. How to focus and concentrate: Here, the focus of kids is improved by using a kush ball method.
3. How to read correctly: Clay is given to children and they are taught how to make three-dimensional letters. With these letters, they start to work on correcting their spellings and eventually start to read.

It is extremely important that the teachers are educated about these methods of learning. They are the first ones to identify these difficulties in kids. If we are trying to teach kids in Latin, but they are able to learn only in Greek, then the teachers should be the ones to identify such difficulties in kids. Also, parents who are not closely involved with the learning and development of their children won’t even know that their child is going through this difficulty. Therefore, early intervention in your child’s learning abilities is important and makes a lot of difference!

About Dr. Alka Kalra

Dr. Alka is a community development authority (Dubai) certified psychologist and a professional counselor. She believes that each child has unique skills and strengths and is particularly passionate about children with learning difficulties. Through assessments (personality, aptitude and intelligence) and tailor made courses at Eduscan, not just for children but also teachers and parents, she has positively touched the lives of numerous children.
She regularly shares her views on parenting and child rearing practices on TV, radio and on Eduscan’s social media. She has been appreciated and awarded various titles including,

  • Top Indian Achiever Super 100
  • “Woman of the year” by International Women Association
  • “Lady of the year” by Indian Ladies association
  • “Lioness of the year” by Lions Club International
  • All India Best Cadet ‘Gold Medal’ by Prime Minister of India Late Indira Gandhi

Ali Sadaqat

I have been associated with Eduscan since the past 15 years and so it has become an essential part of my life. ‘Trustworthy’ is that personality trait of Eduscan, that appeals me the most. I make it a point to never disappoint my family and friends whenever they need me, and I have been maintaining the same level of trust with my colleagues and all the families associated with Eduscan.

Managing Relationship 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Managing Relationship 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Managing Relationship 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Managing Relationship 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Eye Gym

By this, we not improve observation capacity of an individual but also significantly impact the focus and concentration. It improves what has been looked at by the eyes, and directs hands to move and react accordingly by enhancing the reaction time and strategic thinking.

Specialized in-class support

Accommodation and modifications that are tailored to the student’s individual needs.We have designed our classroom layout so that the student ratio is smaller. It enables each child’s need to be met on a daily basis so that they can strengthen their abilities, core skills as they continue to thrive and progress at their own pace.

Brain Mapping

is a tool to assess an individual’s personality based on Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory. It helps identify strengths and weaknesses. Assessing your personality can help with self-awareness.

CA Pratima Shivdasani

I am an Indian Chartered Accountant having rich experience in the field of Finance, Accounting, Internal & Risk-based Audit & Assurance Services. I look after the entire Accounts, Finance, Administration work of Eduscangroup and feel blessed to be part of the organization and work along with the team to provide education facilities to special children


‘Passionate’ and ‘caring’ is that Eduscan personality that appeals to me the most. I am passionate about teaching yoga for the people who most need it. Back in India I used to teach yoga to hospital patients for their betterment. Here at Eduscan I get to teach it to the special kids too which helps in improving their physical and mental fitness.


Being a ceramic expert I find myself passionate about passing this knowledge to my students and colleagues. My kids often tell me that I get a twinkle in my eye when I give beginners classes on potters wheel. So just like my firm Eduscan, I find myself passionate about my skills


Working as a Learning Support Assistant(LSA) with kids has made me realize that we all can solve big issues with kids with a little care and smile. So ‘caring’ is that Eduscan trait, that resonates the most with me. My kids call me the worlds best mom as I make sure that I listen to all their issues and solve them. I similarly try to bond with the special kids at campus and listen to all their issues and make sure to get a smile on their face before they leave.

Dyslexia Awareness Week Program by Eduscan

The World Dyslexia Awareness week is approaching which is from 1st October to 8th October. Eduscan Group has embraced the concept of CSR and keeping in line with its vision to create a better and brighter world for people with various challenges; we are offering free dyslexia screening test and awareness program for students, teachers, and parents at various school campuses across Dubai and Sharjah from 1st October to 8th October. Getting assessed and actually knowing if you are dyslexic is a huge step at any stage of any individual’s personal dyslexic journey. Both teachers and parents also need to have sufficient awareness to not only identify the issue but also address concerns. Today we believe that dyslexia can be corrected for a lifetime.

Summer Camp 2018 (1st Jul. – 31st Aug.)

Eduscan Group offers three interesting camps this summer for the age groups from 4-16 years. All courses are designed by renowned educational psychologist Dr Alka Kalra.

1. Leadership training programme: It trains the kids on various leadership skills such as creative thinking, memory & concentration, public speaking etc. It also works on the physical development of the kids through activities like swimming, yoga, sports and much more.

2. Progressive academic training: It focuses on training the kids with interesting reading, writing, comprehension, math & memory to enhance their academic abilities. Swimming, yoga and sports are also a part of this course to make the whole experience fun and enjoyable.
3. Skills development training: This course includes all the summer fun activities such as swimming, karate, arts & crafts, dancing, singing, yoga and much more.

This is one of our favourite camps not only because of their unique programs but also because of the additional elements to their course such as the final day function and the optional over-night camp. True to their mantra that leaders are not born but made, they ensure that each child builds self-confidence and esteem by performing their acquired skills on stage.The optional over-night camp is a unique opportunity for the day campers, to stay independently under the supervision of the teachers. This experience is offered once during the camp and it helps children build their social skills and independence.

They have special discounts for siblings and groups of 4 or more. Currently, they also have an early bird discount of 10% that ends on 10th June.

Location: Bright Riders School (DIP), Indian Academy (Muhaisnah), Springdales School (Al Quoz), Al Shola School (Sharjah).

Office Location: 201, Kanoo Group Building, Karama, U.A.E and 304, Robot Park Square, Sharjah, U.A.E.

Opening Hours: 0900 hrs to 2000 hrs

Camp Timings:  0900 hrs -1300 hrs (Sunday to Thursday)

Fees:  Skills development: AED 225/week*, Leadership Training: AED 299/week* & Progressive Academic Training: 299/week*. Transportation is available at AED 75/week*. *It could vary based on the combinations selected

Summer Camp 2018 ( 1st Jul. – 31st Aug. )

Eduscan Group offers three interesting camps this summer for the age groups from 4-16 years. All courses are designed by renowned educational psychologist Dr Alka Kalra.

The first course is leadership training programme which trains the kids on various leadership skills such as creative thinking, memory & concentration, public speaking etc. It also works on the physical development of the kids through activities like swimming, yoga, sports and much more.
The second course is progressive academic training which focuses on training the kids with interesting reading, writing, comprehension, math & memory to enhance their academic abilities. Swimming, yoga and sports are also a part of this course to make the whole experience fun and enjoyable. The third one is skills development training which includes all the summer fun activities such as swimming, karate, arts & crafts, dancing, singing, yoga and much more.

This is one of our favourite camps not only because of their unique programs but also because of the additional elements to their course such as the final day function and the optional over-night camp. True to their mantra that leaders are not born but made, they ensure that each child builds self-confidence and esteem by performing their acquired skills on stage.The optional over-night camp is a unique opportunity for the day campers, to stay independently under the supervision of the teachers. This experience is offered once during the camp and it helps children build their social skills and independence.

They have special discounts for siblings and groups of 4 or more. Currently, they also have an early bird discount of 10% that ends on 10th June.

Location: Bright Riders School (DIP), Indian Academy (Muhaisnah), Springdales School (Al Quoz), Al Shola School (Sharjah).

Office Location: 201, Kanoo Group Building, Karama, U.A.E and 304, Robot Park Square, Sharjah, U.A.E.

Opening Hours: 0900 hrs to 2000 hrs

Camp Timings: 0900 hrs -1300 hrs (Sunday to Thursday)

Fees: Skills development: AED 225/week*, Leadership Training: AED 299/week* & Progressive Academic Training: 299/week*. Transportation is available at AED 75/week*. *It could vary based on the combinations selected

Contact: Dubai: 04-25-62-770, Sharjah: 06-55-15-118

Eduscan Group offers three interesting camps this summer for the age groups from 4-16 years. All courses are designed by renowned educational psychologist Dr Alka Kalra.

1. Leadership training programme: It trains the kids on various leadership skills such as creative thinking, memory & concentration, public speaking etc. It also works on the physical development of the kids through activities like swimming, yoga, sports and much more.

  1. Progressive academic training: It focuses on training the kids with interesting reading, writing, comprehension, math & memory to enhance their academic abilities. Swimming, yoga and sports are also a part of this course to make the whole experience fun and enjoyable.
    3. Skills development training: This courseincludes all the summer fun activities such as swimming, karate, arts & crafts, dancing, singing, yoga and much more.This is one of our favourite camps not only because of their unique programs but also because of the additional elements to their course such as the final day function and the optional over-night camp.True to their mantra that leaders are not born but made, they ensure that each child builds self-confidence and esteem by performing their acquired skills on stage.The optional over-night camp is a unique opportunity for the day campers, to stay independently under the supervision of the teachers. This experience is offered once during the camp and it helps children build their social skills and independence.

They have special discounts for siblings and groups of 4 or more. Currently, they also have an early bird discount of 10% that ends on 10th June.

Location: Bright Riders School (DIP), Indian Academy (Muhaisnah), Springdales School (Al Quoz), Al Shola School (Sharjah).

Office Location: 201, Kanoo Group Building, Karama, U.A.E and 304, Robot Park Square, Sharjah, U.A.E.

Opening Hours: 0900 hrs to 2000 hrs

Camp Timings:  0900 hrs -1300 hrs (Sunday to Thursday)

Fees:  Skills development: AED 225/week*, Leadership Training: AED 299/week* & Progressive Academic Training: 299/week*. Transportation is available at AED 75/week*. *It could vary based on the combinations selected


Job Description
This Internship offers you the opportunity to work side by side with the renowned psychologist, Dr. Alka Kalra. The work involves assisting Dr. Alka Kalra in her counselling sessions, as well as conducting psychometric assessments, scoring, recording and making reports.


  • Schedules appointments for examinee to be tested.
  • Gives oral or written instructions in accordance with prescribed routines; explains test procedures to examinee and encourages the subject’s interest in the test
  • Administers a variety of individual/group tests including those for interest, personality, achievement, dexterity, aptitude, and spatial relations
  • Scores tests by hand, using appropriate scoring key and scoring instructions; records test results and profiles individual scores on charts; reports test results to counselor or referring agency
  • Conduct therapeutic sessions with kids with learning difficulties or special needs
  • Maintains files and inventories supplies of test booklets, answer sheets, profile forms, and vocational information
  • Research about latest therapeutic interventions
  • Plan the intervention and monitor the outcomes of the intervention
  • Gathers statistics for reports on the testing program
  • Provides vocational and educational information to students


  • Pursuing a degree in Psychology (Final year or fresh graduate)
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Keen to learn new things
  • Ability to be non-judgmental
  • Some knowledge of the principles and practices of psychometry
  • Some knowledge of the principles of educational psychometry
  • Ability to score tests in accordance with standard psychometric procedures
  • Ability to administer and supervise standardized individual and group tests.
  • Ability to prepare reports and profiles of scores from test records.



Job Description and Salary Package
This job offers you the opportunity to work side by side with the renowned psychologist, Dr. Alka Kalra. The work involves assisting Dr. Alka Kalra in her counselling sessions, as well as conducting psychometric assessments, scoring, recording and making reports.


  • Schedules appointments for examinee to be tested.
  • Gives oral or written instructions in accordance with prescribed routines; explains test procedures to examinee and encourages the subject’s interest in the test
  • Administers a variety of individual/group tests including those for interest, personality, achievement, dexterity, aptitude, and spatial relations
  • Scores tests by hand, using appropriate scoring key and scoring instructions; records test results and profiles individual scores on charts; reports test results to counselor or referring agency
  • Conduct therapeutic sessions with kids with learning difficulties or special needs
  • Maintains files and inventories supplies of test booklets, answer sheets, profile forms, and vocational information
  • Research about latest therapeutic interventions
  • Plan the intervention and monitor the outcomes of the intervention
  • Gathers statistics for reports on the testing program
  • Provides vocational and educational information to students


  • Masters degree in Psychology or a Ph.D.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Keen to learn new things
  • Ability to be non-judgmental
  • Some knowledge of the principles and practices of psychometry
  • Some knowledge of the principles of educational psychometry
  • Ability to score tests in accordance with standard psychometric procedures
  • Ability to administer and supervise standardized individual and group tests.
  • Ability to prepare reports and profiles of scores from test records.

Salary and Visa Package:

Salary per annum: AED 42,000- AED 72,000

Benefit: Health Insurance
We will be providing Work Visa


As a Speech therapist, you’ll treat patients of all age group who have various levels of speech, language and communication problems, or difficulties in swallowing, drinking or eating.

You could deal with a diverse client group, including people with physical and learning disabilities, hearing loss/deafness, psychiatric disorders or dementia, and could treat a range of conditions, including cleft palate, stammering, language delay and voice disorders.

You’ll usually work as part of a multidisciplinary team alongside other health professionals, and will often liaise with family or teachers when developing treatment plans.


Your tasks will vary depending on your client and the nature of the problem. However, you’ll typically need to:

  • identify the speech and communication difficulty or disorder;
  • assess the cause and nature of the problem, for example, congenital problems (such as cleft palate) or acquired disorders after a stroke or injury;
  • devise and deliver a suitable treatment programme, working on a one-to-one basis or in groups, to enable each of your clients to improve as much as possible;
  • review and revise the programme as appropriate;
  • advise carers on implementing a treatment programme and train other professionals in therapy delivery;
  • monitor and evaluate your clients’ progress;
  • write confidential client case notes and reports, as well as information for clients, carers and other professionals;
  • manage a caseload while taking into account priority cases, waiting lists, successful outcomes, referral and discharge of service users;
  • work within a team to improve the effectiveness of service delivery.

At a more senior level, you’ll need to:

  • conduct personal development reviews with colleagues;
  • support Speech therapy assistants;
  • plan and deliver training sessions;
  • undertake clinical audit;
  • participate in research projects.



We are looking for a pleasant Front Desk Representative to undertake all receptionist and clerical duties at the desk of our main entrance. You will be the “face??? of the company for all visitors and will be responsible for the first impression we make.

The ideal candidate will have a friendly and easy-going personality while also being very perceptive and disciplined. You should be able to deal with complaints and give accurate information. A customer-oriented approach is essential.

The goal is to make guests and visitors feel comfortable and valued while on our premises.


  • Keep front desk tidy and presentable with all necessary material (pens, forms, paper etc.)
  • Greet and welcome guests
  • Answer questions and address complaints, and if intervention is required, report it to Centre head
  • Answer all incoming calls and redirect them or keep messages
  • Receive letters, packages etc. and distribute them
  • Prepare outgoing mail by drafting correspondence, securing parcels etc.
  • Check, sort and forward emails
  • Monitor office supplies and maintenance and place orders when necessary
  • Monitor office furniture, and replace them when required
  • Keep updated records and files
  • Monitor office expenses and costs
  • Take up other duties as assigned (travel arrangements, schedules etc.)


  • Proven experience as front desk representative, agent or relevant position
  • Familiarity with office machines (e.g. photocopies, printer, telephone system etc.)
  • Knowledge of office management and basic bookkeeping
  • Proficient in English (oral and written)
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office (especially Excel and Word)
  • Strong communication and people skills
  • Good organizational and multi-tasking abilities
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • High School diploma; additional qualifications will be a plus
  • Educational Industry Experience Preferred



We are looking for a talented Branch manager to assign and direct all work performed in the branch and to supervise all areas of operation. You will manage staff, foster a positive environment and ensure customer satisfaction and proper branch operation. The successful candidate will have a hands-on approach and will be committed to the expansion and success of the business by implementing strategies that increase productivity and enable sales targets achievement.


  • Direct all operational aspects including distribution operations, customer service, human resources, administration and sales
  • Assess local market conditions and identify current and prospective sales opportunities
  • Develop forecasts, financial objectives and business plans
  • Meet goals and metrics
  • Manage budget and allocate funds appropriately
  • Bring out the best of branch’s personnel by providing training, coaching, development and motivation
  • Locate areas of improvement and propose corrective actions that meet challenges and leverage growth opportunities
  • Share knowledge with other branches and headquarters on effective practices, competitive intelligence, business opportunities and needs
  • Address customer and employee satisfaction issues promptly
  • Adhere to high ethical standards, and comply with all regulations/applicable laws
  • Network to improve the presence and reputation of the branch and company
  • Stay abreast of competing markets and provide reports on market movement and penetration


  • Proven branch management experience, as a head of an educational institute or similar role
  • Sufficient knowledge of modern management techniques and best practises
  • Ability to meet sales targets and production goals
  • Familiarity with industry’s rules and regulations
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Results driven and customer focused
  • Leadership and human resources management skills
  • Educational Industry Experience preferred
  • BS in Business Administration or related field
  • Ability To communicate in English is a must, Arabic is added advantage.



We are looking for an innovative and driven business development officer to join our growing team. The individual in this role would be responsible for analysing our customer base and current sales strategies and identifying opportunities to increase efficiency and profitability. We are seeking a candidate who is creatively-minded and eager to think outside the box when it comes to our customers and their needs. Candidates with a background in sales who are analytically minded and motivated will do well in this role.

Business Development Officer Duties and Responsibilities

  • Analyse current customer base, including portfolios and rolodexes, to identify potential sales opportunities
  • Build strong relationships with customers, outside business contacts, and company stakeholders
  • Review and communicate proposals and cost estimates to customers and stakeholders
  • Negotiate timelines and budgets
  • Develop and test unique business strategies and concepts
  • Collaborate with colleagues and peers on the sales, marketing, and product development teams to improve overall customer experience and satisfaction
  • Stay up to date on company best practices, policies, products, pricing, and promotions
  • Increase overall sales efficiency and profitability through excellent salesmanship

Business Development Officer Requirements and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in business, finance, or related field preferred
  • 3 – 5 years of Experience in the same field
  • Familiarity with relevant software, such as Microsoft Office
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills (both verbal and written)
  • Critical thinking skills, analytical, organized
  • Creatively-minded, good at thinking ‘outside the box’
  • Skills of persuasion
  • Computer skills
  • Ability to travel when necessary to meet with customers and/or stakeholders and build business relationships
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Ability to multi task
  • Must be available full time
  • Education Industry Experience Preferred
  • Ability to communicate in English is a must, Arabic is an additional advantage.


Finance Manager


DEPARTMENT: Finance Team
SCOPE: Finance and Account management for all the branches of Eduscan Group based in Dubai. Travel to other Emirates in the UAE may be required (30%).
Key Contacts
INTERNAL:Course teachers, students, and administrative staff
EXTERNAL: Teachers, Venue Managers, External Agencies


For Eduscan Group, After School Concept and Chill N Champ

  1. Conduct research and analysis to prepare finance structure and strategy.
  2. Fully manage financial accounting and reporting along with the responsibilities mentioned below.



Defining the P&l, key incomes and expenses based on marketing research.

  1. Support in drafting strategy by providing clear recommendations only of incomes and expenses on the following:
    1. The most wanted activities
    2. Ideal price range based on survey and competition analysis.
  • Probable Localities. Location recommendations and suggestions linked to research and pricing based on the above analysis.
  1. Assist management in the formulation of its overall strategic direction
  • Clearly define the financial time matrix for the Eduscan groups and camps along with responsibility.
  • Work closely with counterparts to develop 3-month, 6-month, 12- month’s targets. (Revenue and budgets).
    1. Lead brainstorming sessions with heads.
    2. Correspond with various other departments, discussing company plans and agreeing on future paths to be taken.
  • Develop trends and projections for the firm’s finances.
  • Provide financial reports and interpret financial information to managerial staff while recommending further courses of action.
  • Understand available systems and software for accounting and integrate this with recommendations.
  • Analyse costs, pricing, variable contributions, sales results and the company’s actual performance compared to the business plans.
  • Conduct reviews and evaluations for cost-reduction opportunities.
  • Share weekly SMS of revenue and expenses, targets and achievements to concerned heads.
  • Maintain a documented system of accounting policies and procedures
  • Manage outsourced functions
  • Collect and record Cash
  • Forecast cash flow positions, related borrowing needs, and available funds for investment
  • Maintain banking relationships
  • Assist in determining the company’s proper capital structure
  • Manage the preparation of the company’s budget
  • Report to management on variances from the established budget, and the reasons for those variances
  • Create additional analyses and reports as requested by management


  • Minimum 3-4 years of experience in Financial Accounting
  • Leadership, Motivation and Team Skills
  • Required to have a clear and full understanding of financial systems, software (preferably Tally) and processes
  • Strong analytical ability and commercial acumen to perform complex analysis identify and understand market trends
  • MS Office skills are critical Word, Basic & Advanced Excel, and Power Point.
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey complex information to a broad audience
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to work independently and within a team environment
  • Strong group presentation skills
  • Able and willing to work within a flat structured, low-bureaucratic company, applying all best practices obtained on previous jobs
  • Willing to bring an innovative and creative approach to business
  • Fluent in written and spoken English. Knowledge of Arabic is an advantage


Leadership Training (After school hours)

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

The new batch of leadership training (after school hours) will begin on 9th September, 2018. It will cover activities like public speaking, cognitive development, linguistic skills, swimming and more. This course also covers an optional 45 minutes of academic monitoring. This training works on softer personality skills and overall self-development that helps creating young leaders.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim

ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non

proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Brain Activation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus- try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essen- tially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Let- raset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing antd typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

Dyslexia Training

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus- try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essen- tially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Let- raset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing antd typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

After School Program

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus- try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essen- tially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Let- raset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing antd typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

Brain Mapping

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus- try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essen- tially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Let- raset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing antd typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley

Pre-school training

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting indus- try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essen- tially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Let- raset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing antd typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

The Education Report: A
New Report Says Americans
Less Happy.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

The Education Report: A
New Report Says Americans
Less Happy.


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

The Education Report: A
New Report Says Americans
Less Happy.