Our attitude around every aspect of our lives influences how we experience living. Similarly, always bearing an idea of gratitude in our hearts and minds is imperative. If we focus on the things we have and constantly remind ourselves to appreciate them, the grief around the things that we do not have can be easily eliminated from our day-to-day living.

As the saying goes- count your blessings. The ability to fully acknowledge and empathize with what we have is an acquired skill and requires a major shift in point of view. During such crucial period of the global pandemic, this opportunity is overwhelmingly available. We are at home and have spare time and capacity in our minds to keep running all sorts of thoughts. Amidst this process, a spur of negative thinking can destroy your day, weeks and even months. However, with a twist of the ‘attitude of gratitude’, positive thinking can come to our rescue.

For starters, to routinize gratefulness, we can prepare a book of gratitude. In this book, we can write at least one thing in our day or life which we feel grateful for.  As days pass, our approach should be to read through the logs of the previous days every time we add to the journal for a new day. This way, there is a tangible light of hope reminding us that there is lots in life we can be thankful for.

The second stage of introspection is to dwell into the era of ‘why’ we are grateful to illicit feelings of very rational positivity. With this synergy working like a self-help personal diary, you for sure have one magical object to charm you when you are sad!

So let’s inculcate the attitude of gratitude and spread a positive magnitude!