How to Identify & Treat Dyslexia among children

9 April 2019

The word dyslexia is made up of two parts, ‘DYS’ means ‘not’ or ‘difficult’ and the other part ‘LEXIA’ means language, words or reading. So, in its real sense, dyslexia means difficulty with words. It is regarded as a specific learning difficulty with reading which affects spelling as well. The kids with dyslexia have difficulty with reading, compression, and math. According to Dr Alka Kalra, a renowned educational psychologist, and director of Eduscan Group, dyslexia is not a learning disability but it is a ‘differently learning ability’.

How to Deal with Slow Learners

9 April 2019

All kids are special in their own way and have their own strengths and weaknesses. If a child is not performing well academically, then, instead of scolding the child and not supporting him/her, it is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to understand what difficulty the child is facing and then takes measures to help them overcome it. Generally, the low academic performers are of two types, one is slow learners and the other kids with learning difficulties.