During this crucial period, I would like to highlight how teachers around the world are facing challenges with the unprecedented and new mode of delivering even the most formal education through the internet. Teachers are always given a huge amount of respect across various cultures and how them being happy results in an entire community and a whole new generation prospering towards success.

Firstly, I would like to mention the importance of time management technique which suggests that any activity, including that of online teaching should happen in 25-minute sessions followed by 5-minute breaks. These can be organized for up to three times in a row upon which a class should get 30 minutes of downtime where teachers get to reenergize and feel fresh.

Next up, teachers must also ensure that they have a designated workstation at home to give them a sense of structure, clarity and continuity. This place can also be portable in the form of a ‘toolkit’ that includes all essentials so that one can get set go easily and conveniently.

With that, mental and emotional well being of our teachers is a priority. This includes everything from healthy conversation with friends and family to a planned diet that can accommodate for both health and taste. What one eats significantly affects their psyche, impacting how they work and interact with everyone- especially their students.

Also, as it is always said, physical well being relates to happiness. Breathing exercises that increase body oxygen levels can certainly lead to a fresh start to the day, which not only benefit the teacher themselves, but all the students they work with.

And finally, designating time is important. Students must know when to reach out and expect a response as well as when not to disturb their teachers. This will enable teachers to focus on all parts of their lives and be emotionally stable, without having to stress themselves in situations where students demand or solicit immediate replies at odd hours. When it comes to Online Teaching and Learning itself, there is an ocean of resources available online and we must remember to access them! Experts are happy to help, and aids and videos are available everywhere, so most teachers will find it easy to get started!

Stay home! Stay safe! Have a healthy Online Teaching and Learning Experience!

