Have you noticed that your child is hiding something from you?

Have you detected a sudden change in your child’s behaviour whereby they are holding things back from you as they begin lying and cheating? If your child begins to behave in this manner and prefers to keep things from you while fabricating a lie, it simply means that your child is lacking the confidence and fears that by sharing the truth with you, your reaction will be judgmental.

Instead, aim in cultivating a safe, non-judgmental home environment whereby your child will always feel the freedom, confidence and respect to approach you, while sharing things that may be difficult to speak about even if mistakes were made along the way.

 The truth at times may be difficult to handle, although this will lead your child to confidence and will ultimately have a more positive impact on your day-to-day relationship as a family.

Redirecting your child into a positive action

From time to time, parents may see that their child behaves inappropriately. You must feel equipped to intervene as you assist your child into eventually understanding and learning how to display appropriate behaviour. This may be achieved through redirecting them into positivity so that they are safe while understanding what is appropriate and inappropriate.

Scenario: Child climbing onto a chair-

You notice that your child has climbed onto a chair. You must intervene at that very moment by saying ‘I know you enjoy climbing, but we do not climb on chairs, we sit on them. Let’s go to the park and find some interesting play structures to climb onto instead.’


 The parent has observed that their child enjoys climbing. The parent did take time to explain to their child that climbing can be enjoyed elsewhere in an appropriate environment and safe manner. Chairs though have a purpose whereby they are not climbed but one may sit on them when required. The child’s interest for climbing has not been eliminated but encouraged further as long as it is done safely and appropriately. The child will then gradually begin to understand what is appropriate and inappropriate. Always remember to redirect your child into a positive action so that you can continue to implement redirection while learning and cherishing the positive outcomes together.

Precious Tip for Parents-Troubling in class behavior that your child is displaying may have you worried:

Is your child biting, kicking or disturbing the other children within the classroom? If this has been observed by the classroom teacher and it has been brought to your attention; think about working closely with your child’s teacher and ask for some guidance and practical strategies that can also be implemented both at home and at school in a consistent manner.

While a child is in their process of development, they also experience certain emotions. Sometimes, they may feel anxious, frustrated which then leads them to displaying unwanted behaviour. They are unable to manage certain feelings and emotions simply because they may not know how due to lack of verbal abilities, lack of sleep, or even when they may feel hungry.

It is extremely important that you begin to embrace the ‘art of observation’. Start by observing your child more closely while noticing how your child may be interacting with others. Guide your child in learning how to express and manage certain emotions especially when they display their frustration.

Scenario: Playtime: Your child is playing with another child. The other child may have a particular toy that your child is wanting at that very moment. Your child begins to kick and push that other child. You must intervene and stop the unacceptable behavior. Clap your hands in order to get your child’s initial attention. Then proceed to make eye contact with your child so you know that they are listening to you as you begin to explain and correct their inappropriateness. Only once your child is ready to rejoin the other child in a proper manner that is when your child will gradually begin to understand what is either acceptable or unacceptable.

How to make your child become Responsive NOT Reactive-Part 1

Have you ever thought about what the difference is between a responsible child as opposed to a reactive child? 

Here is a brief introduction:

 Firstly, a reactive child will constantly display a reaction to something.  For example: There is a response followed by an immediate reaction.

Secondly, if there were to be a stimulus and the child is then given their choice followed by a response, this would then be considered a responsive behaviour.   For example: If something negative may have occurred and then one immediately explodes due to this, you are clearly unhappy and reactive.

Thirdly, when there is a stimulus and you then choose not to become reactive, this would be considered a responsive tendency.

Important Parental Tip 5 : How to teach your child to become more thankful for everything that they have as they learn about Gratitude

Consider creating a gratitude bowl and placing it on your dining table just before you sit down to enjoy your family dinner together. This gratitude bowl, will contain special ingredients, known as gratitude stones. Each family member, will be invited to select one of these stones.  As you select these stones together, think about that one person that you came into contact with that day and that you would like to simply thank.

This practice will not only enable your child to become more expressive within their day-to-day relationships, although it will also further strengthen their abilities as they engage in developing their interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships.

These seeds of gratitude need to be sown one day at a time as this will lead to cultivating a lovely, healthy child along the way too.